This code provides a common interface in order to download Sentinel 1 and 2 data using ESA Scihub. It is developed in the MEDUSA project at ONERA.
The Multidate Earth observation Datamass for Urban Sprawl Aftercase (MEDUSA) project is designed to bring together and promote processing of remote sensing images in the current context of big data, with a focus on developing a demonstrator
The project website is hosted at
This code is based on the python package sentinelsat for downloading sentinel products. It provide a simple interface to download sentinel 1 and 2 data and then crop the prodicts according to a geojson geometry.
Many websites provide geojson, is one of them.
Date and Scihub ids must be filled in the data.json. Sentinel sensor (1 or 2) is an option.
python sentinel_download --sentinel 1 --data path_to_data_file --geojson path_area_geojson
python sentinel_crop --sentinel 1 --archive path_to_archive_ZIP --geojson path_area_geojson
Note that SenitnelSat provides much more download functionalities. sentinelsat documentation