onedrive client version 2.3.10
Release Overview:
- Make verbose logging output optional on Docker (#638, #651)
- Fix 'key not found: name' when checking if item was synced (#645)
- Fix abnormal termination when no Internet connection (#643)
- Update documentation links to use full URL so when is used on Docker Hub, links work and do not generate a 404 (#646)
- Update LDC version in documentation (#646)
- Fix Ubuntu i386 / i686 install requirements (#652)
- Fix downloading of files from OneDrive Personal Shared Folders when the OneDrive API responds with unexpected additional path data (#637)
- Move logging of 'initialisation' to actually when the attempt to initialise is performed (#656)
- Fix when using a sync_list file, using deltaLink will actually 'miss' changes (moves & deletes) on OneDrive as using sync_list discards changes (#659)
- Update OneDrive API status code 500 handling when uploading files as error message is not correct (#661)
- Validate that there is JSON data in the string before the string is read via parseJSON() (#664)
- Add try block to catch file system exceptions if they are generated when attempting to update the file date & time (#664)
- Return remote name when 'case-insensitive match' (#670)
- Update Docker with additional environment variables for --resync & debug output (#672)
- Make user-agent string a configuration option (#673)
- Update 'config' file and to be clearer around removing the '#' from config options when changing from the default (#676)
Outstanding Issues: