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An utility to create synteny plots for small genomes or plasmids.


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A CLI to create and annotate synteny plots for microbial genomes or plasmids. It uses GenBank files as input and creates alignment on the fly. It provides additional tools to edit the GenBank files to customize the synteny plot.


MUMmer and/or MMSeqs should be installed to run the aligner.


Install from PyPI

pip install PySyntenyViz

Install from source:

git clone
cd PySyntenyViz
pip install .

Alternatively to build and install from source using pip wheel:

pip install wheel
git clone
cd PySyntenyViz
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
pip install dist/bioinfutils-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall


synviz <command> [<args>]

Available commands: synteny, revcomp, reorder, change_origin


  • synteny: Generate synten plot
  • change_origin: Change origin of a GenBank file
  • revcomp: Reverse-complement particular contig or whole GenBank file sequence
  • reorder: Reorder contigs of GenBakn file

Getting help

Use -h or --h flag to get details of the command, i.e.: synviz <command> --help

Annotation options

There are two options for annotating the synteny plot. One option is by providing GenBank features, which will annotate the particular feature of interest based on its presence in the GenBank file. Another option is to provide exact coordinates, so that those coordinates will be annotated specifically.

Generating Synteny with two different annotation options

alt text

Input file strainlist.txt:


Coordinate file for annotation using --coordinate flag: coordinates.tsv

gbk locus label start end color strand plotstyle
Strain_1 Contig_1 nod 5413 14992 blue 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 nif/fix 19407 42752 magenta 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 nif/fix 175637 187210 magenta 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 T4SS 357052 370816 brown 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 bio 377557 381609 black 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 pan 386274 387991 black 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 nod 391054 393012 blue 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 nif/fix 421473 429473 magenta 1 box
Strain_1 Contig_1 T4SS 557560 569180 brown 1 box
Strain_2 Contig_1 nod 3972 9259 blue 1 box
Strain_2 Contig_1 nif/fix 30871 44544 magenta 1 box
Strain_2 Contig_1 nif/fix 68132 84403 magenta 1 box
Strain_2 Contig_1 bio 297983 302023 black 1 box
Strain_2 Contig_1 pan 306814 308405 black 1 box
Strain_2 Contig_1 nif/fix 330400 338787 magenta 1 box
Strain_2 Contig_1 T4SS 392045 403669 brown 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 nif/fix 479987 488559 magenta 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 T4SS 467546 479162 brown 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 T4SS 429923 451808 brown 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 nod 369759 373679 blue 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 nod 357170 357766 blue 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 nif/fix 157877 164992 magenta 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 nif/fix 108463 122788 magenta 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 bio 78637 84154 black 1 box
Strain_3 Contig_1 nod 74067 77670 blue 1 box

Command for synteny plot:

synviz synteny --input_list strainlist.txt --output synteny_output.pdf --alignment mmseqs --coordinate coordinates.tsv

If you want to use feature types for generic annotation, use the --annotate flag and provide annotation.tsv file instead:

feature_type qualifier value face_color label
CDS product bio black bio
gene gene nif magenta nif
gene gene nod magenta nod
gene gene fix magenta fix
mobile_element mobile_element_type T4SS brown ICE


synviz synteny --input_list strainlist.txt --output synteny_output.pdf --alignment mmseqs --annotate annotate.tsv


Read GenBank files as input from directory, plot Agrobacterium synteny with MMSeqs2 alignment and annotate by GenBank feature:

synviz synteny --input_dir agrobacterium --output agro_original.png --annotate annotate_synteny.tsv --alignment mmseqs

Use MUMmer alignment instead:

synviz synteny --input_dir agrobacterium --output agro_original.mummer.png --annotate annotate_synteny.tsv

Reverse-complement a contig and plot synteny, take input from a list:

synviz revcomp -i agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.gbk -o agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.gbk -c chromosome
synviz synteny --input_list agrolist.txt --output agro_rc.mmseqs.png --alignment mmseqs --annotate annotate_synteny.tsv

Reorder contigs by custom-order and plot synteny:

grep "LOCUS" agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.gbk
synviz reorder --input agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.gbk --output agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.order.gbk --order chromosome chromid pTi plasmid1 plasmid2
grep "LOCUS" agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.order.gbk

Reorder contigs by size and plot synteny:

grep "LOCUS" agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.gbk
synviz reorder --input agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.gbk --output agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.order.gbk --by_size
grep "LOCUS" agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.order.gbk

Change contig origin in GenBank file and plot synteny:

synviz change_origin -i agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.order.gbk -o agrobacterium/47_2_polished_final_renamed.rc.order.origin.gbk --origin 346694 --contig chromosome_rc
synviz synteny --input_list agrolist.txt --output agro_rc.mmseqs.png --alignment mmseqs --annotate annotate_synteny.tsv

Annotate synteny with specific feature coordinates:

synviz synteny --input_list bradylist.txt --output brady_original.mmseqs.png --alignment mmseqs --coordinate coordinates.tsv


An utility to create synteny plots for small genomes or plasmids.







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