is templating command line interface (cli) tool.
It helps managing and using usage template projects with well defined inputs and outputs.
The cli is written in go
and only golang's text/template are supported.
This doesn't mean that you need to know go
to use this tool, it just means that you need to use golang's templating language
in your template files.
The only opinionated thing you need to in order to use this tool is a basta.yaml
file alongside your template files.
Basta! Stop copying.
This CLI can be used to bootstrap go projects in seconds, and stop the copy paste madness
copy-basta [command]
Available Commands:
generate generates new project based on the template and provided parameters
help Help about any command
init bootstraps a new copy-basta template project
-h, --help help for copy-basta
--log-level string Used to set the logging level.
Available options: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal] (default "info")
-v, --version version for copy-basta
Use "copy-basta [command] --help" for more information about a command.
For Linux, Mac and Windows binary releases are available here.
sudo /bin/sh -c \
'wget -O /usr/local/bin/copy-basta \
&& chmod +x /usr/local/bin/copy-basta'
▶ git clone [email protected]:acciaioli/copy-basta.git
▶ cd copy-basta
▶ make install
>> installing cli (dev)
>> done
▶ copy-basta --version
copy-basta version snapshot-user-4334710
This will run go install
and the binary will be available from your go path
The template specification lives in basta.yaml
This file contains all the information required by the cli tool to make use of your template project.
Check the example bellow!
# ignored files will not be copied to generated projects.
# they are for template development only
# ignore this file
- ignore-me.txt
# ignore everything inside this dir
- .git/
# pass-through files will be copied untouched to generated projects.
# passed-through files that start with just-copy
- just-copy-*
# passed-through everything inside this dir
- html/
# in the variables section we declare the inputs we need to generate
# new projects from our template.
# simple variable
- name: recipe
# with description
- name: chef
description: Name of the chef that authored this recipe
# with type
- name: estimatedCost
type: number
# with default
- name: isVegan
type: boolean
default: false
# with everything
- name: igredients
type: array
description: Ingredients
default: water,salt,love
The name
identifies the variable. It should be featured in at least on template file.
The name
is only required field of a variable.
If provided, it should be an open API 3.0 type.
Both default & user provided values are checked against the type.
When the variable type is not specified type checks are skipped.
The description of the variable.
This helps users when they are generating a new project.
The default value for the variable.
This can be used by users when they are generating a new project.
The provided default must be consistent with the variable type.
Once you have installed the cli tool:
▶ copy-basta init --name my-template
[INFO] validating user input
[INFO] bootstrapping new template project
location: my-template
[INFO] done
A new directory called my-template
was created.
This is our template project.
▶ tree my-template -a
└── basta.yaml
0 directories, 4 files
Now you can generate a new project from this template
▶ copy-basta generate --src=my-template --dest=new-project
[INFO] validating user input
[INFO] loading specification file
[INFO] parsing template files
[INFO] getting template variables dynamically
your name so that you can be greeted [string]
? name Chi
your favorite greet expression [string]
? greet [hello]
[INFO] creating new project
location: new-project
[INFO] done
Notice that template specification may provide defaults. In this case I took the default "greet".
▶ tree new-project -a
0 directories, 1 files
Our new project is ready!
▶ cd new-project
▶ ./
hello Chi!
▶ copy-basta generate \
--src= \
▶ cd my-service
▶ go run main.go
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