- Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA
- Right-click
and select Add as Maven Project - Right-click
and select Maven > Reimport - Open View > Tool Windows > Maven Projects
- Activate Profiles > blocks, in the popup choose Enable Auto-Import
- Go to File > Project Structure
- Under Project set your SDK
- Under Artifacts select + > JAR > From modules with dependencies...
- Select your desired module, e.g. tfly-kabeja-dxf and press Ok, Ok
- Now you can build your jar by choosing Build > Build Artifacts... > tfly-kabeja-dxf:jar > Build
- Your jar is now at
- Your jar is now at
- As the initial kabeja project is discontinued, there arise issues with new DXF-versions from time to time
- The class
can be used to test new implementations and bugfixes - Inserts
and the methodtoWcs()
frequently turned out to be the root of the problem - For further information see the most current DXF specification. For issues regarding rotated entities, check out the sections about the Object Coordinate Systems (OCS) and the Arbitrary Axis Algorithm
It is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.
Current state: The original Kabeja project has not been updated since 2010. Third parties have since worked on the library. Most importantly the build system was changed from Ant to Maven. Unfortunately this left parts of the program in a partially broken state. The library part itself works but the GUI and the CLI are currently broken.
The accu:rate fork adds limited XData support.
Not all DXF entities are supported yet. Text entities are still problematic.
- Arc
- Attrib
- Polyline
- Circle
- Line
- Blocks/Insert
- Text
- MText
- LWPolyline
- Solid
- Trace
- Ellipse
- Dimension
- Image
- Leader
- XLine
- Ray
- Hatch
- Spline
- MLine
- In this fork: XData (limited support)
launcher.jar is currently not built by the Maven script.
In the Kabeja-folder try:
Help and pipeline list:
java -jar launcher.jar --help
Convert to svg
java -jar launcher.jar -nogui -pipeline svg myfile.dxf result.svg
Convert to pdf|jpeg|png|...
java -jar launcher.jar -nogui -pipeline <pdf|jpeg|png> myfile.dxf
If you experience OOM problems, try java -Xmx256m
The GUI is currently broken.
Cocoon is an XML Publishing Framework.
Copy kabeja.jar
and kabeja-svg2dxf-cocoon.jar
to your WEB-INF/lib
of your Cocoon web application. Then you can use Kabeja as Generator like:
In your sitemap/subsitemap
<map:generators default="file">
<map:generator name="dxf2svg" src="org.kabeja.cocoon.generation.DXF2SVGGenerator"/>
<map:match pattern="dxf/*.svg">
<map:generate type="dxf2svg" src="dxf/{1}.dxf"/>
<!-- transform things you need -->
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
Note: Large DXF drafts will cause SVGDocument to consume a lot of memory. The Generator is Cacheable so the first run will take more time.