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Solomon Desktop-App is a full-service workstation application for proactively managing projects with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Project content is vectorized and can be utilized by the in-app assistant for contextual data-analysis within an intuitive Dashboard used to create & investigate similarities within your data.


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     ____        _                             
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    \___ \ / _ \| |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ 
     ___) | (_) | | (_) | | | | | | (_) | | | |
    |____/ \___/|_|\___/|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|


Our Goal at is to create a Full-Service workstation which brings ERP (enterprise resource planning) to individuals with integrated artificial intellgent assistants. To be a part of our journey, you can begin by following any of the below steps to be a part of our ongoing development.

At its core, Solomon is a full-service workstation application for proactively managing projects with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Project content is vectorized and can be utilized by the in-app assistant for contextual data-analysis within an intuitive Dashboard used to create & investigate similarities within your data. The assistant can also help you identify key financial metrics, and provide important insight to project specific data.

We're building a windowed Electron application, rendering a NextJs project within a mono-repo, and its written in Typescript, and uses Tailwind CSS. Our backend and Authentication is Convex DB, and our main component UI library is ShadCN with our DOM provider being TipTap.

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Download the App

You can download the latest version of the Solomon Desktop App from our GitHub Releases page.

Try our Domain



Clone & Install our Repo

git clone

Once cloned ensure you have pnpm installed (if not already): npm install -g pnpm

  1. pnpm install
  2. spinup Convex backend prior to rundev
    2.1. cd /Users/matthewsimon/Documents/Github/solomon-Desktop-App/packages/renderer
    2.2. npx convex dev : install missing dependencies
    2.3. [optional/ if necessary] next/ uuid/ node-fetch recurring missing modules**
    2.4. [optional/ if necessary]JWT token bug, sometimes need the curlies sometimes not.... ie; import '{' jwtDecode '}' from "jwt-decode";
  3. Optional development mode: pnpm run dev
  4. pnpm run build
  5. pnpm run start
  6. (note) New dependencies may require the additon of: --legacy-peer-deps

Bug Installation Notes

Note: currently we're using 'electron-builder' which provides some advanced functionality that will be more important later on during development. electron-builder is a popular alternative for generating more advanced binaries/installers (like .dmg, .exe/NSIS, .AppImage, .deb etc.). The pitfall is that the builder takes a little longer.

Note2: I've temporarilty disabled the "prestart": "npm run build" to avoid generating a completely fresh build every time simply to expedite the above concern.

Note3: Occassionally, you may need to manually delete the electron/ dist directory, whereas it could potentially try to load previous 'versions' when updating the version in the package.json - otherwise, I've noted the bugs identified above in the Installation steps.

Note4: By restricting the Linux build target to something like "AppImage", electron-builder won’t attempt to create or publish a .snap file, thus avoiding errors about “snapcraft is not installed.”

Release Notes (development logs)

Our Front-End application is currently being hosted on Vercel, free tier as noted in the domain above.

Latest Release:

Stable Version:

Our Nextjs front end is hosted on Vercel. The Apple .dmg has been corrected, but is non-secure. Notary has been disabled (temporarily) until a more robust structure can be reviewed for Prodcution. In the meantime, contuing in development-mode for now [scaffolding is there].

Git Update Version Main Commands (steps)

  1. git add .
  2. git commit -m "Updated Electron version to x.x.x"
  3. git tag vx.x.x
  4. git push origin main vx.x.x
  5. (optional) git reset --hard vx.x.x

development instructions:
6. git checkout -b new-branch
7. git add ./ commit/ push as usual

If you follow these steps, you’ll have a smooth, automated release process.


  1. [In-Progress] Editor Templates: Note/ Report style templates would allow for easy access to consistent and structured information which could be used for specific chat functions, or training later
  2. Optimized processing for multi-document and Large/Gigantic File-uploads and transfers (currently limited to 25mb/ upload)
  3. [In-Progress] Tasks: Kanban style task management boards for project specific notes w/ Calendar views
  4. Tags: N.E.R (named entity recognition) tagging and highlight tags for in-application File Preview, adding additional context to enhance chat functionality and contextual awareness
  5. Browser: In-App Browser Extension for web-browsing and research oriented context scraping
  6. R.A.G (retrieval augmented generation) API for external use of proprietary unstructured content processing
  7. Collaboration features (organizations and real-time multi-user project editing)
  8. Sync Files w/ Sharepoint, Docs, etc.
  9. ...



Solomon Desktop-App is a full-service workstation application for proactively managing projects with the assistance of artificial intelligence. Project content is vectorized and can be utilized by the in-app assistant for contextual data-analysis within an intuitive Dashboard used to create & investigate similarities within your data.







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