(In-app) management of the app – app settings, permissions handling, logging config etc.
Anything to do with the model classes central to the ontology
Concerned with model classes and functionality linking entities
Static files, components defining or contributing to appearance
Might cause critical errors/failures without prior inspection or review
To do with the application's data and data handling
To do with project dependencies and Python/Django version updates
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Environment-related or -specific – may involve OS/platforms, browsers, devices
New feature (or feature request)
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
This ticket needs discussion, information, assessment by team members
Requires a decision to be made regarding design/implementation
Paused, not actively being pursued, but may get picked up again in future
Pull requests that update Python code
Further information is requested
Clean-up or restructuring of code for readability/speed/simplicity
Workflows, integrations, dev tools relevant to project maintenance, deployment, collaboration
Appearance, coherence, usability of user-facing parts (frontend, user interface)
Beyond the scope of the project or not of interest; won't be worked on