rename .env.sample to .env in aitecell directory where is based
python3 -m venv env
- create virtual environmentsource env/bin/activate
- activate virtual environmentpip install -r requirements.txt
- install dependenciespython3 makemigrations
- create migrations (after every schema changes)python3 migrate
- apply migrations (after every schema changes)python3 runserver
- run server - make sure to use sqlite3 database & always keep your debug=True while development
username: admin
password: admin
- create tags model - newsletter, social media, events, meet, documents, images,
- add tag to each link (allow only one tag per link)
- create a flag model // can create flags to turn feature on and off
- rename category model to tag model
- other info - motto, vision, mission, etc
- latest updates new badge to be shown on only updates which are added in last 7 days and to 3 recent updates
- is active internship logic
- add a section for policy and rules