Exercises from DTU course 02504: Computer Vision
- Lecture 1: Pinhole camera and Homogeneous Coordinats
- Lecture 2: Camera Model and Homography
- Lecture 3: Stereo View Geometry -- Epipolar Geometry, Triangulation
- Lecture 4: Camera Calibration
- Lecture 5: Nonlinear Optimization and -- Camera Calibration and Triangulation
- Lecture 6: Simple Features -- Gaussians, Harris Corner, Canny Edge Detectin
- Lecture 7: Robust Model Fitting -- Hough Transform, RANSAC
- Lecture 8: BLOBs and SIFT features
- Lecture 9: Geometry Constrained Feature Matching
- Lecture 10: Image Sticthing, Finding Inliers, Transforming images, Multiple images, Nodal point