##Package description:
- The but_laser_rgbd_fusion package description is:
- filter_hokuyo filters the sonar readings to a specified min and max ranges.
- laser_rgbd_pc2 converts the data readings to pc and pc2 formats.
- laser_rgbd_registration makes sensor data readings alignment.
- laser_rgbd_fusion fuses both sensor data readings.
- The package fuses data from the environment which is obtained by a Hokuyo laser and a RGB-D camera.
- It has been tested with an UTM-30LX and an Asus Live Xtion Pro RGB-D camera.
- The fused readings can be depicted under RVIZ in "Global Options/FixedFrame/laser" option, whrere the fused data readings topic is; "\laser_xtion_sensor"
##Package parameters:
- The main parameters used in the package are listed below, the package has not been used with different parameters.
- filter_hokuyo
- minimum_range_ specifies the minimun desired laser range, the used value is: 0.25 [m]
- maximum_range_ specifies the maximum desired laser range, the used value is: 10.0 [m]
- laser_rgbd_fusion
- map_resolution_ specifies the resolution of the map, the used value is: 0.05 [m/cell]
- map_x_max_ defines the height of the map, the used value is: 300 [cells]
- map_y_max_ defines the witdth of the map, the used value is: 300 [cells]
- emp specifies prior probabilistic value of a cell being empty, the used value is: [0.4]
- occ specifies prior probabilistic value of a cell being occupied, the used value is: [0.65]
##Instalation instructions:
- cd ~/ros/catkin_ws/src
- git clone https://github.com/robofit/but_sensor_fusion.git
- cd ../
- catkin_make
##Run simulation:
- roslaunch but_laser_rgbd_fusion laser_rgbd.launch