142 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
What's new since 2.23.2
π Enhancements
- GL-2368: Added node specific ciPath for node project. @akashkska (#1709)
π Bug Fixes
- CLI-1282: [remote:aliases:download] warning on read-only directory @danepowell (#1718)
- CLI-1294: [auth:logout] warning when key is invalid @danepowell (#1716)
- CLI-1302: [api:applications:environment-create] databases must be array @danepowell (#1715)
- CLI-1268: Suppress posix warnings @danepowell (#1714)
- CLI-1297: Fix error messages for ACSF authentication @danepowell (#1712)
π§° Dependency updates
- Bump the dependencies group with 3 updates @dependabot (#1717)
- Bump the dependencies group with 3 updates @dependabot (#1711)