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Campaign Events

John Linhart edited this page May 13, 2019 · 1 revision

The Custom Objects Plugin adds several new actions to the Campaign Builder.

Link Contact with Custom Item Action

This Campaign action will allow you to link the contact that comes through the campaign workflow with a custom item. The Custom Objects Plugin adds new campaign action for each Custom Object you will create. Bellow is an example of a Custom Object called Products.

If you are creating a link between a contact and a custom item that already exists then nothing happens.

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Start typing the name of the Custom Item to find the right Custom Item you want to un/link with the contact. Note that the campaign action will let you unlink a Custom Item as well. If the contact doest't contain it then nothing happens.

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Custom Item Field Value Condition

The plugin will also add new conditions for each Custom Object you will create where you will be able to make TRUE / FALSE conditions based on Custom Item field values. The operators and value options will change based on the field type you will select.

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Screenshot 2019-05-13 at 14 34 33

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