requires Twig templating engine to render ICS files.
composer require acrnogor/ical-exporter
// first, we need Twig environement
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem();
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, [
'cache' => __DIR__ . '/var/cache',
// now create new ICalExporter object and download event items as ICS file
$filename = 'this-is-my-calendar.ics';
$icalExporter = new ICalExporter($twig);
$ice->downloadAsICal($items, $filename);
// you an either repeat Twig part or just use Dependency Injection (i.e. in Symfony) to inject twig to the class, then fetch it as a service
// now create new ICalExporter object and download event items as ICS file
$icalExporter = new ICalExporter($twig);
$icsText = $ice->getICalDataAsString($items);
echo $icsText;
Add ICalExporter to your Symfony project via composer install. Then, define a Symfony service in your services.yml:
class: Acrnogor\ICalExporter\ICalExporter
arguments: ["@twig"]
and then register template path in twig configuration in config.yml:
'%kernel.root_dir%/../vendor/acrnogor/ical-exporter/src/View/': ~
then you can use this service in your controller like zis:
$icalExporter = $this->get('ical_exporter');
$icalExporter->downloadAsICal($events, 'give-some-filename.ics');
- maybe implement a non twig version? Meh...