Yes, this could have been a shell-script.
Utilities to generate reports for company controlling from a Kimai instance. It is assumed you have API-access to your instance. You need
- to know the api endpoint
- the username or user email that is allowed to connect to the api
- the password for that user
All this is shown or can be set in the API access preferences for your Kimai user account.
For more information, see the Kimai API quickstart.
Generate a timesheet. Optionally, generate it for one project (by name).
Generate the percentages (projects to logged time spent on these projects).
Generate a working-time report.
A small webclient for fetching and displaying reports.
Record a timesheet entry.
You can either check out this repo and use the nix build yourself or run it directly via
# Show help
$ nix run github:active-group/kimai_report -- --help
# Generate timesheet report
$ nix run github:active-group/kimai_report -- timesheet <KIMAI_API_URL> <KIMAI_API_USER> <KIMAI_API_PASSWORD>
# Generate timesheet report for a specific project (by project name), begin and end (inclusively)
$ nix run github:active-group/kimai_report -- timesheet <KIMAI_API_URL> <KIMAI_API_USER> <KIMAI_API_PASSWORD> --project my-project-name --begin 2023-12-01 --end 2023-12-23
2023-12-13,2.000000,"Tickets 529, 530"
2023-12-14,0.500000,"Recherche: Docker Registry"
2023-12-14,1.500000,"Tickets 514, 533, 535"
2023-12-15,1.000000,"Tickets 539"
2023-12-15,1.500000,"Tickets 539, 541, 542"
2023-12-15,1.000000,"Tickets 522, 534"
2023-12-18,4.000000,"Tickets 506, 511, 534, 535, 543"
2023-12-18,2.000000,"Tickets 526, 543"
2023-12-19,1.000000,"Tickets 543"
2023-12-20,2.000000,"Tickets 543"
2023-12-21,1.500000,"Tickets 528 (Nacharbeit), 540"
2023-12-21,1.000000,"Releaseplanung 1.4.0."
2023-12-21,2.500000,"Tickets 523, 544, Release 1.4.0"
2023-12-21,0.500000,"Release 1.4.0"
2023-12-22,2.000000,"Release 1.4.1 (CMDB-Report Hotfix)"
# Generate a percentages report
$ nix run github:active-group/kimai_report -- percentage <KIMAI_API_URL> <KIMAI_API_USER> <KIMAI_API_PASSWORD> --begin 2023-12-01 --end 2023-12-31
Project_B (unbillable),11h,15.770609%,16%
Consulting (unbillable),9h,12.903226%,13%