The above listed authors understand their project will be made available publicly through the class webpage. The include works have been open sourced under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA v4 license. For more information please see
The documentation was compiled using PDFLaTeX.
You can obtain the most recent version of the code at:
Compiling of this code requires a C++ compiler with the C++11 libraries installed. If you are running the most recent version of GCC (version 4.9.2) then you are more than likely all set to go.
You can use the included Makefile or manually compile with
$ make
$ g++ parcel_model.cpp -o p_model_r4_build_2 -lm -std=c++11
Running the model is pretty simple, you can run with the default settings by simply running the compiled program, or you can ideally use the initialization script "run_parcel_model.csh". In this file you will find a series of paramters and how to invoke them.
This version includes a GNUPlot script to view the temperature and potential temperature in terms of pressure. To run this script simply type
$ gnuplot ''
at the command line. Note: this script will export the plot as a PDF to the current directory.