This integration allows you to turn control your LightwaveRF devices from the SmartThings mobile and web applications.
I haven't checked but am sure this will be against the LightwaveRF terms of service, so please use at your own risk.
For video instructions of how to install a device watch this Youtube video.
Create a new device type (
Click the select from code tab at the top of the page and paste the contents of onOffDevice.groovy into it. Then click create.
Create a new device (
- Name: Your Choice
- Device Network Id: Your Choice (needs to be unique)
- Type: Lightwave Lights (should be the last option)
- Location: Choose the correct location
- Hub/Group: Choose your hub
Update device preferences
- Click on the new device to see the details.
- Click the edit button next to Preferences
- Fill in your information.