Add this script within your Big Spring theme root directory and make sure to give it executable permissions with chmod +x
To run the script, simply execute ./
in your terminal.
Please note that this script assumes that you are running it from the root directory of your BigSpring Hugo theme.
If you need to run it from a different location, you should modify the paths accordingly.
- Add shortcode directory to layouts
- Remove old example site directory
- Remove menu config files for German and Chinese languages
- Remove Chinese and German content directories
- Remove forestry directory
- Override the language.toml file with the English language configuration
- Update the hasCJKLanguage setting in the config.toml file
- Update the default image quality setting in the config.toml file (100 to 75)
- Update the default disqusShortname setting in the config.toml file (turns of disqus)
- Update font_primary and font_secondary values in the config.toml file (Lato)
- Update preloader value in the params.toml file (Addes PNG, JPG, SVG, GIF) to the image pre-loader
- Run Hugo build command
- If the Hugo build is successful, then the cleanup is complete
- This script creates backups of the necessary files before making changes.
- If the Hugo build fails, it calls the revert_changes function to restore the original files from the backups.
- The remove_backup function to remove the backup files and calls it when the cleanup is successful.