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Milestone 1 Making progress towards the basic app.

andrewls edited this page Dec 2, 2014 · 3 revisions

We have made decent progress towards the basic site, and most of the server and api have been completed, thanks to the hard work of Andrew Stephenson. We also have basic pages set up for our main app navigation, although at the moment the user interface only loosely reflects the final layout of the site. Adam Staples has been working on the dynamically loaded navigation component, and it currently loads and displays the available dreams. Andrew created a progress wheel, and Adam created repeating progress bars that will be displayed on the home page. We are still working out how we want to implement the shared data structure that will allow the components on our page to synchronize with each other, and we have not yet implemented user registration or login.

Our team had a bit of a rough time with this first period of our project. Thomas Holladay decided to leave the group as of Saturday, Nov 29, in order to focus on projects related to other classes. He did not work on the components which he was assigned. We will need to re-distribute and work on his components. Also, much of the group went out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday, which shortened the amount of time we had available to work on our project, and made it difficult to coordinate with other members of the group.

Overall, the basic structure of the website's back end and database has been created and is functional. The website is fully usable at the moment which shows a good amount of progress towards a final product. Currently Jeffrey Thompson is working on setting up user authentication as well as styling the front end of the website to enhance the look and feel.

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