This repository provides an example of Open Policy Agent-backed authentication in OpenFaaS Serverless functions.
To try it out, you will need to have an OPA server in your OpenFaaS stack. A version implementing this by default can be found here. Once this is up and running, fetch the golang-http-gomod template and deploy as normal:
$ faas-cli template pull
$ faas-cli up --skip-push
A simple example rego policy is provided in order to get started. This policy prohibits access by default, allowing access to the named function only for a specified user:
package openfaas.authz
default allow = false
allow {
input.function == "opa-auth"
input.user == "alice"
Invocation of the function is prohibited by default by the example policy:
$ curl -X POST
Retrying the request with the permitted named user succeeds:
$ curl -H 'Authorization: alice' -X POST
Authorization OK
Released under the terms of the MIT license.