Set of image processing tools and functions accessible through a command line interface (CLI). Holds images in RAM, with image stream support (shared memory with low-latency IPC support).
Written in C. The main is a command line interface (CLI). Source code is in CLIcore.c and CLIcore.h. Key data structures (such as the image data structure) are declared in CLIcore.h.
You can clone the repository, or download the latest .tar.gz distribution.
The source code follows the standard GNU build process. On linux :
autoreconf -i
make install
On OS X you need to use gcc-mp-5 for opemMP:
./configure "CC=/opt/local/bin/gcc-mp-5" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/malloc/ -I/opt/local/include/readline" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib/"
(Replace "/opt/local/" is the location of your installed libraries. ) make make install
Report bugs and issues on this page
See coding standards
The following libraries are used:
- libtool
- automake
- readline, for reading the command line input
- ncurses-dev
- flex, for parsing the command line input
- bison, to interpret the command line input
- fftw, for performing Fourier Transforms
- gsl, for math functions and tools
- fitsio, for reading and writing FITS image files
- CUDA, CuBLAS, MAGMA for GPU acceleration (optional)
If you use NVIDIA GPUs, install cuda and magma libraries, and add "--enable-cuda and --enable-magma" options to the configure command.
All functions are accessible from the command line interface (CLI). Enter the CLI and type "help" for instructions.
GNU General Public License v3.0