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This project implements a Default Gateway for ADempiere UI.

This API Gateway was initially created to offer an ADempiere User Interface Gateway Definition. It has evolved to a complete stack application.

One important scope for this project is gRPC transcoding.

See this article for more info.

This application downloads the required images, runs the configured containers and restores the database if needed on your local machine just by calling a script!

It consists of a docker compose project that defines all services needed to run ADempiere, Postgres, ZK, Vue and other services.

A configuration file (.env) defines all modifiable values (e.g. release versions) to be used in the service creation; a start script ( defines the stack, i.e. the services to be used. Any combination of the services offered is possible.

When executed e.g. with the command docker compose up, the docker compose project eventually runs the services defined in docker-compose files as Docker containers. The running Docker containers comprise the application stack. There are several docker compose files that start different services, according to the needs. See section Application Stack, where the docker compose files are described.

Due to the technology used, it is highly recommended to have a good knowledge of docker and docker compose to work properly with this application.

Benefits of the application:

  • In its simplest form, it can be used as a demo of the latest -or any desired- ADempiere version.
  • No big installation hassle for getting it running: just execute the shell script .
  • It can run on different hosts just by changing
    • the target IP to the one of the host or
    • the client name
  • Completly configurable: any value can be changed for the whole application at the single configuration file env_template.env.
  • Single containers or images can be updated and/or replaced easily, making deployments and test speedy.
  • The timezone and location for all containers are the same as the hosts'.
  • Ideal for testing situations due to its ease of configuration and execution.
  • No need of deep knowledge of ADempiere Installation, Application Server Installation, Docker, Images or Postgres.
  • Every container, image and object is unique, derived from a configuration file.
  • New services can be easily added.
  • In future: It can be executed concurrently for different customers on the same host by just changing the project name and running anew.
  • API Key Authentication
  • Transformation using Lua
  • Transformation using Javascript
  • Content Caching

Example of Application Running

ADempiere Vue

ADempiere ZK

General Explanations

User's perspective

From a user's point of view, the application consists of the following. Take note that the ports are defined in file env_template.env as external ports and can be changed if needed or desired.

  • A home web site, accessible via port 80 From which all applications can be called
  • An ADempiere ZK UI, accessible via path /webui
  • An ADempiere Vue UI, accessible via path /vue
  • A Postgres database, accessible e.g. by PGAdmin via port 55432
  • An OpenSearch Dashboard, accessible via port 5601
  • A Kafdrop Kafka Queue Monitor and Administrator, accessible via port 19000
  • A DKron browser for monitoring scheduled jobs, accessible via port 8899
  • A MinIO Console (actually a browser) for monitoring objects stored (like files, reports, images), accessible via port 9090

Application Stack

The application stack consists of the following services defined in the docker-compose files (and retrieved on the console with docker compose ls); these services will eventually run as containers:

  • adempiere-site: Defines the landing page (web site) for this application.
  • postgresql-service: Defines the Postgres database.
  • adempiere-zk: Defines the Jetty server and the ADempiere ZK UI.
  • adempiere-grpc-server: Defines a grpc server as the backend server for Vue.
  • adempiere-processor: For processes that are executed outside Adempiere.
  • dkron-scheduler: A scheduler for these processes.
  • grpc-proxy: API RESTful transcoding to gRPC backends.
  • vue-ui: Defines new ADempiere UI with Vue.
  • opensearch-node: Stores the Application Dictionary definitions.
  • opensearch-setup: Configure the service opensearch-node and import snapshot.
  • zookeeper: Controller for kafka service.
  • kafka: Messaging and streaming queue.
  • kafdrop: A Kafka Cluster Queues Overview, Monitor and Administrator.
  • dictionary-rs: API RESTful to manage adempiere dictionary with OpenSearch as cache.
  • keycloak: User management on service postgresql-service.
  • ui-gateway: A reverse proxy and routing to redirect multiple services.
  • s3-storage: For attachments and files.
  • s3-client: Set default configuration of "s3-storage" service.
  • s3-gateway-rs: API RESTful to manage files with client.
  • opensearch-dashboards: Display and monitor of OpenSearch indexes e.g. exported menus, smart browsers, forms, windows, processes.

Additional objects defined in the docker-compose files:

  • adempiere_network: defines the subnet used in the involved Docker containers (e.g.
  • volume_postgres: defines the mounting point of the Postgres database (typically directory /var/lib/postgresql/data) to a local directory on the host where the Docker container runs. This implement a persistent database.
  • volume_backups: defines the mounting point for a backup (or restore) directory on the Docker container to a local directrory on the host where the Docker container has access.
  • volume_persistent_files: mounting point for the ZK container
  • volume_scheduler: defines the mounting point for the scheduler (TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET)


  • The application vue stack as graphic: ADempiere Vue Architecture

  • The application storage stack as graphic: ADempiere Vue Architecture

  • The application cache stack as graphic: ADempiere Vue Architecture

File Structure

  • this very file

  • env_template.env: template for definition of all variables used in docker composed files.
    Usually, this file is edited for testing and copied to .env before running docker compose.

  • .env: definition of all variables used in docker-compose files.

  • docker compose service files: there are several of them; each of these files define a service only.
    It may exist more than one docker compose service file for every service (see all docker compose service files). This may be the case when a service is used in different configurations for different purposes/modes.

    The combination of several of these docker compose service files implements the services needed for a special purpose/mode (as of now: auth, cache, develop, storage, vue, default).
    The definition of one service in a single file permits reutilization and the combination of existing services to new purposes/modes for which hitherto a new docker-compose file was needed. Also, as one service version is only defined once, possible repetitions and small unwanted different definitions in docker-compose files are avoided.
    See explanation of to understand how these files are used.

    Example of docker compose service files are:

    • 01a-postgres_service_with_ports.yml: one implementation of postgres service.
    • 01b-postgres_service_without_ports.yml: another implementation of postgres service.
    • 02a-s3_storage_service.yml: implementation of s3 storage service.
    • 03a-s3_client_service.yml: implementation of s3 client service.
    • 04a-s3_gateway_rs_service_develop.yml: one implementation of s3 gateway rs service.
    • 04b-s3_gateway_rs_service_standard.yml: another implementation of s3 gateway rs service.
    • 05a-adempiere_site_service.yml: implementation of home site service.
    • 06a-adempiere_zk_service.yml: implementation of ZK service.
    • 07a-adempiere_processor_service.yml: implementation of processor service.
    • 08a-dkron_scheduler_service.yml: implementation of dkron service.
    • 09a-adempiere_grpc_server_service.yml: implementation of grpc service.
    • 10b-grpc_proxy_service_develop.yml: other implementation of grpc proxy service.
    • 10c-grpc_proxy_service_standard.yml: other implementation of grpc proxy service.
    • 10d-grpc_proxy_service_vue.yml: yet other implementation of grpc proxy service.
    • 11a-vue_ui_service.yml: implementation of Vue service.
    • and more: see all docker compose service files.
  • docker-compose legacy files: initial way the services were implemented. Here all services are defined in one file. Variables used in these files are taken from file .env.
    These files are now legacy, i.e. they were the first attempt, but -due to more flexibility, reusability and scalability- the docker compose service filesare now implemented (see preceeding section).

    As of now, the existing docker compose legacy files are the following:

    • docker-compose-standard.yml: the default; when no other file is pecified, this file is taken.
    • docker-compose-auth.yml: complete Stack with Open-ID authentication Includes a keycloak service and allows its usage as SSO service connecting ADempiere by Open-ID
    • docker-compose-cache.yml:
    • docker-compose-develop.yml: services for development, for example with ports exposed
    • docker-compose-storage.yml
    • docker-compose-vue.yml: for vue minimal stack services

    Eventually, as the docker compose service files will be updated and improved, the docker compose legacy files will divert from the actual functionality. That is why is not recommended to work with the docker compose legacy files anymore. They are useful when while testing the new docker compose service files some discrepancies/errors pop up and one wants to compare behavior.

  • shell script to create and eventually automatically execute docker compose.

    This bash script must be called with the docker-compose flag -d + one of the following parameters [auth, cache, develop, storage, vue, default].
    It can also be called with the legacy flag -l (this is only legacy and not intended to be continued).

    First of all, the persistent directory (database) and the backup directory are created if not existent; then the file env_template.env is copied to .env and eventually Docker Compose is started for the file docker-compose.yml.

    Depending on the parameters, Docker Compose is executed for the eventually assembled docker-compose.yml file.

    Here, some examples of how the parameters work:

    • ./ (default behavior without parameters) If the script is called without a flag, the 'standard' purpose/mode will be taken and also no legacy assumed (i.e. the docker compose service files for "standard" will be used to assemble the file docker-compose.yml).
    • ./ -l (default behavior, with legacy) If the script is called only with a -l flag, the 'standard' purpose/mode will be taken and also legacy assumed. The file docker-compose-standard.yml will be copied to docker-compose.yml, and docker compose will be executed with this file.
    • ./ -d auth The services combination for Auth will be assembled and copied to file docker-compose.yml by using the corresponding docker compose service files, and docker compose will be executed with the file docker-compose.yml.
    • ./ -d vue The services combination for Vue will be assembled and copied to file docker-compose.yml by using the corresponding docker compose service files, and docker compose will be executed with the file docker-compose.yml.
    • ./ -d cache The services combination for Cache will be assembled and copied to file docker-compose.yml by using the corresponding docker compose service files, and docker compose will be executed with the file docker-compose.yml.
    • ./ -d vue -l (legacy behavior) The file docker-compose-vue.yml will be copied to docker-compose.yml, and docker compose will be executed with this file.
    • ./ -d cache -l (legacy behavior) The file docker-compose-cache.yml will be copied to docker-compose.yml, and docker compose will be executed with this file.

    In the end, a file named docker-compose.yml will always be created depending on the parameters passed, and docker compose will be executed with this file. The file docker-compose.yml will be used only for the duration of the docker compose cycle.
    It will be deleted when is executed

  • shell script to automatically stop all services that were started with the script and defined in file docker-compose.yml. The file docker-compose.yml is deleted after stopping all services.

  • shell script to delete all containers, images, networks, cache and volumes, including the ones created without or by executing docker-compose.yml. Be very careful when using this script, because it will reset everything you have of Docker.

    After executing this shell, no trace of the application will be left over. Only the persistent directory will not be affected, which must be manually deleted if desired.
    The file docker-compose.yml is deleted after stopping and deleting all objects.

  • postgresql/Dockerfile: the Dockerfile used. It mainly copies postgresql/ to the container, so it can be executed at start.

  • postgresql/ shell script executed when Postgres starts. If there is a database named adempiere, nothing happens. If there is no database named adempiere, the script checks if there is a database seed file in the backups directory.

    • If there is one, it launches a restore database.
    • If there is none, the latest ADempiere seed is downloaded from Github and the restore is started with it.
  • postgresql/postgres_database: directory on host used as the mounting point for the Postgres container's database. This makes sure that the database is not deleted even if the docker containers, docker images and even docker are deleted. The database contents are kept always persistently on the host.

  • postgresql/backups: directory on host used as the mounting point for the backups/restores from the Postgres container. Here the seed file for a potential restore can be copied.

    The name of the seed can be defined in env_template.env. The seed is a backup file created with psql. If there is a seed, but a database exists already, there will be no restore.

    This directory may also be useful when creating a backup: it can be created here, without needing to transfer it from the container to the host.

  • postgresql/persistent_files: directory on host used for persistency with the ZK container. It allows to share files bewteen the host and the ZK container.

  • docs: directory containing images and documents used in this README file.

Misc-Browsers to Monitor different services

OpenSearch Dashboard Selection_522

Kafdrop Kafka Queue Monitor/Administrator Selection_523

DKron Envoy Process Monitor 26-DKron-Browser png

MinIO Object Monitor Selection_604



1 Install Tools

Make sure to install the following:

2 Check versions

2.1 Check java version

java --version
    openjdk 11.0.11 2021-04-20
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9, mixed mode

2.2 Check docker version

docker --version
    Docker version 23.0.3, build 3e7cbfd

2.3 Check docker compose version

docker compose version
    Docker Compose version v2.17.2

Clone This Repository

git clone
cd adempiere-ui-gateway

Make sure to use correct branch

git checkout main

Automatic Execution

1 Execute With One Script

Execute script -d [default, auth, cache, develop, storage, vue]:

cd adempiere-ui-gateway/docker-compose
  • Default (Standard) stack:
./ -d default
  • Auth stack:
./ -d auth
  • Cache stack:
./ -d cache
  • Develop stack:
./ -d develop
  • Storage stack:
./ -d storage
  • Vue stack:
./ -d vue

Or without arguments

./ -d

The script carries out the steps of the automatic installation.

Depending on the parameter following the -d flag, the script assembles the file docker-compose.yml by appending the contents of the corresponding docker compose service files; it then calls docker compose with it (docker compose -f docker-compose.yml).

If no flag and/or parameter is given, the call will default to docker compose -f docker-compose.yml for the services combination standard.
If directories postgresql/postgres_database and postgresql/backups do not exist, they are created.

Legacy (flag -l) Execute script -d [default, auth, cache, develop, storage, vue] -l:

cd adempiere-ui-gateway/docker-compose
  • Default (Standard) stack:
./ -d default -l
  • Default (Standard) stack without arguments:
./ -d -l
  • Auth stack:
./ -d auth -l
  • Cache stack:
./ -d cache -l
  • Develop stack:
./ -d develop -l
  • Storage stack:
./ -d storage -l
  • Vue stack:
./ -d vue -l
  • Default (Standard) stack:
./ -d default -l

For legacy, the script copies the corresponding docker-compose file (one of docker-compose-auth.yml, docker-compose-cache.yml, docker-compose-vue.yml, etc.) to docker-compose.yml.
Then, docker compose is executed on this file.

2 Result Of Script Execution

Whatever parameters are passed when calling ./, a file named docker-compose.yml is produced and docker compose is always called as follows: docker compose -f docker-compose.yml.

Depending on the parameters passed, the file docker-compose.yml will define several services in the desired order. Which docker compose service files are used depends on the purpose/mode: for example when testing Vue, the combination is different than for Authentication.

All images are downloaded, containers and other docker objects created, containers are started, and -depending on conditions explained in the following section- database restored.

This might take some time, depending on your bandwith and the size of the restore file.

3 Cases When Database Will Be Restored


  • there is a file seed.backup (or as defined in env_template.env, variable POSTGRES_RESTORE_FILE_NAME) in directory postgresql/backups, and
  • the database as specified in env_template.env, variable POSTGRES_DATABASE_NAME does not exist in Postgres, and
  • directory postgresql/postgres_database has no contents

The database will be restored.

4 Cases When Database Will Not Be Restored

The execution of postgresql/ will be skipped if

  • directory postgresql/postgres_database has contents, or
  • in file docker-compose.yml there is a definition for image. Here, the Dockerfile is ignored and thus also docker-compose.yml.

Open Applications

  • Project site: open browser and type in the following urls
  • Or you can use IP as defined in configuration file (env_template.env or .env) in variables HOST_URL, ADEMPIERE_SITE_EXTERNAL_PORT From here, the user can navigate via buttons to ZK UI, Vue UI or Envoy browser.
  • Open separately Adempiere ZK: open browser and type in the following url ${HOST_URL}/webui
  • HOST_URL can be also defined in configuration file (env_template.env or .env) to be accessed via port e.g. http://localhost:8888 Or use IP as defined in configuration file (env_template.env or .env) in variables HOST_URL, ADEMPIERE_ZK_EXTERNAL_PORT (TO BE VERIFIED YET)
  • Open separately Adempiere Vue: open browser and type in the following url
    • ${HOST_URL}/vue HOST_URL as defined in configuration file (env_template.env or .env)
  • Open separately DKron Envoy Monitor: httpp://

Manual Execution

Alternative to Automatic Execution. Recommendable for the first installation.

1 Create the directory on the host where the database will be mounted
mkdir postgresql/postgres_database
2 Create the directory on the host where the backups will be mounted
mkdir postgresql/backups
3 Copy backup file (if restore is needed)
  • If you are executing this project for the first time or you want to restore the database, execute a database backup.
  • First, go to the backups directory cd .../adempiere-ui-gateway/docker-compose/postgresql/postgres_backups
  • Here you can run a backup directly from host using the docker exec command docker exec -i adempiere-ui-gateway.postgresql pg_dump --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres adempiere > adempiere-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').backup
  • Or you can go into the container with docker exec -it adempiere-ui-gateway.postgresql bash and execute there a backup e.g.: cd /home/adempiere/postgres_backups followed by pg_dump -v --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres <DB-NAME> > adempiere-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').backup. Remember to first change directory to the shared directory between host and Postgres container.
  • The file can have the name you wish, but if you want to execute a restore, it must be named seed.backup or as it was defined in env_template.env, variable POSTGRES_RESTORE_FILE_NAME. The backup file should be visible under adempiere-ui-gateway/postgresql/backups. You can copy it for safety reasons to other location e.g. the cloud.
  • Make sure it is not the compressed backup (e.g. .jar).
  • The database directory adempiere-ui-gateway/docker-compose/postgresql/postgres_database must be empty for the restore to ocurr. A backup will not ocurr if the database directory has contents.
cp <PATH-TO-BACKUP-FILE> postgresql/backups
5 Modify env_template.env as needed

The only variables actually needed to change are

  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME -> to the name you want to give the project, e.g. the name of your client. From this name, all images and container names are derived.
  • HOST_IP -> to to the IP your host has.
  • POSTGRES_IMAGE -> to the Postgres version you want to use.
  • ADEMPIERE_GITHUB_VERSION -> to the DB version needed.
  • ADEMPIERE_GITHUB_COMPRESSED_FILE -> to the DB version needed.

ADempiere Template

Other values in env_template.env are default values. Feel free to change them accordingly to your wishes/purposes. There should be no need to change file docker-compose.yml.

6 Copy env_template.env if it was modified

Once you modified env_template.env as needed, copy it to .env. This is not needed if you run

cp env_template.env .env
7 File (optional)

Modify postgresql/ as necessary, depending on what you may want to do at database first start. You may create roles, schemas, etc.

8 Execute docker compose

Run docker compose

cd adempiere-ui-gateway/docker-compose
docker compose -f <filename> up -d

Result: all images are downloaded, containers and other docker objects created, containers are started, and database restored.

This might take some time, depending on your bandwith and the size of the restore file.

Stop All Services That Were Started With Script

To stop all Docker containers that were started with script, just execute:

cd adempiere-ui-gateway/docker-compose

The file docker-compose.yml - created with script - contains the services tobe stopped. The file docker-compose.yml is deleted after stopping all services.

Delete All Docker Objects

Sometimes, due to different reasons, you need to undo everything you have created on Docker and start anew. This is mostly in development, not in production. Then:

  • All Docker containers must be shut down.
  • All Docker containers must be deleted.
  • All Docker images must be deleted.
  • The Docker installation cache must be cleared.
  • All Docker networks and volumes must be deleted.

Execute script:

cd adempiere-ui-gateway/docker-compose

Be very careful when using this script, because it will delete all Docker objects you have!

Database Access

Connect to database via port 55432 with a DB connector, e.g. PGAdmin. Or to the port the variable POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_PORT points in file env_template.env.

Useful Commands

This application uses Docker Compose and as such, all docker and docker compose commands can be called to work wit it.

Container Management

Shut Down All Containers

All containers started with the -f flag file will be stopped and destroyed; the database will be preserved. All docker images, networks, and volumes will be preserved.

docker compose  -f <filename> down
Stop and Delete One Service (services defined in docker-compose files)
docker compose rm -s -f <service name>
docker compose rm -s -f postgresql-service
docker compose rm -s -f adempiere-zk
Stop And Delete All Services
docker compose rm -s -f
Create And Restart All Services
docker compose  -f <filename> up -d
Stop One Single Service
docker compose stop <service name>
docker compose stop adempiere-site
Start One Single Service (after it was stopped)
docker compose start <service name>
docker compose start adempiere-site
Start And Stop One Single Service
docker compose restart <service name>
docker compose restart adempiere-site
Find Containers And Services
docker compose ps -a

Misc Commands

Dsiplay all Services (docker compose must run; otherwise error "no configuration file provided: not found")
docker compose config --services
Display All Docker Images
docker images -a
Display All Docker Containers Started with Docker Compose
docker compose ps -a
docker compose ps -a --format "{{.ID}}: {{.Names}}"
Display All Docker Containers
docker ps -a
docker ps -a --format "{{.ID}}: {{.Names}}"
Debug I: Display Values To Be Used In Application

Renders the actual data model to be applied on the Docker engine by merging env_template.env and docker-compose.yml. If you have modified env_template.env, make sure to copy it to .env.

cp env_template.env .env
docker compose convert
Debug II: Display Container Logs
docker container logs <CONTAINER>                         -->> variable defined in *env_template.env*
docker container logs <CONTAINER> | less                  -->> variable defined in *env_template.env*
docker container logs adempiere-ui-gateway.postgres
docker container logs adempiere-ui-gateway.postgres | less
Debug III: Display Container Values

Display the values a container is working with.

docker container inspect <CONTAINER>
docker container inspect adempiere-ui-gateway.postgres
docker container inspect adempiere-ui-gateway.zk
Debug IV: Log Into Container
docker container exec -it <CONTAINER> <COMMAND>
docker container exec -it adempiere-ui-gateway.postgres bash
Delete Database On Host I (Using Docker File System)

Physically delete database from the host via Docker elements. Sometimes it is needed to delete all files that comprises the database. Be careful with these commands, once done, there is no way to undo it! The database directory must be empty for the restore to work.

sudo ls -al /var/lib/docker/volumes/<POSTGRES_VOLUME>                     -->> variable defined in *env_template.env*
sudo ls -al /var/lib/docker/volumes/adempiere-ui-gateway.volume_postgres  -->> default value

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/<POSTGRES_VOLUME>/_data
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker/volumes/adempiere-ui-gateway.volume_postgres/_data
Delete Databse On Host II (using mounted volume on host)

Physically delete database from the host via mounted volumes. Sometimes it is needed to delete all files that comprises the database. Be careful with these commands, once done, there is no way to undo it! The database directory must be empty for the restore to work.

sudo ls -al <POSTGRES_DB_PATH_ON_HOST>                         -->> variable defined in *env_template.env*
sudo ls -al <PATH TO REPOSITORY>/postgresql/postgres_database  -->> default value

sudo rm -rf <PATH TO REPOSITORY>/postgresql/postgres_database

Additional Info

This service just exposes the port 80. You should configure to use (for linux just add this domain to /etc/hosts). Or: change the variable HOST_IP in file env_template.env and .env.

The main service responding to all request a nginx.

nano /etc/hosts       localhost       adempiere

Request using transcoding

This request use the nginx + envoy + adempiere-grpc-server using transcoding.

The base URL is /api/

Example Request

curl --location ''


    "services": []

Request using legacy node server

This request use the nginx + proxy-adempierer-api using default http

The base URL is /api/

Example Request

curl --location ''


    "code": 200,
    "result": []

Error response format

    "code": 1,
    "message": "",
    "deatils": []