A swing User Interface based in adempiere box
This project just treat of run ADempiere Swing UI based on base adempiere box project using gradle
This project is a java client using swing interface and completely based on gradle package management
The follow requirements need for run it:
gradle clean
With default connection properties file ($HOME/Adempiere.properties
gradle run
With custom connection properties file
# As System Property
gradle run -DPropertyFile=/tmp/TEMPLATE.properties
Just go to Releases
Just need build with gradle using the follow command for build
gradle clean
gradle build
For complete release just run itL
gradle createRelease
All asset is located in adempiere-swing-ui/build/distributions
with a list like:
- adempiere-swing-ui.zip
- adempiere-swing-ui.tar
Just unzip any compress file example adempiere-swing-ui.zip
with the follow command:
Go to build dir
cd build/distributions
Unzip it
unzip adempiere-swing-ui.zip
Archive: adempiere-swing-ui.zip
creating: adempiere-swing-ui/
creating: adempiere-swing-ui/lib/
inflating: adempiere-swing-ui/lib/adempiere-swing-ui.jar
inflating: adempiere-swing-ui/lib/groovy-all-2.4.15.jar
Go to files
cd adempiere-swing-ui/bin
The binary created are:
Linux / Mac:
- adempiere-swing-ui: A Swing interface
- run-migrate: Used for migrate from XML's
- run-setup: Setup based on old implementation
- run-silent-setup: Silent setup based on old implementation
- translation: Import / Export translations
- adempiere-swing-ui.bat: A Swing interface
- run-migrate.bat: Used for migrate from XML's
- run-setup.bat: Setup based on old implementation
- run-silent-setup.bat: Silent setup based on old implementation
- translation.bat: Import / Export translations
Extensions to Install: