- Satvik Ramaprasad
- Shubhayu Das
- Rohit Katlaa
- Prajwal Agarwal
- Jishnu Kumar
- You need not understand the code here to be able to use it.
- Understanding the API below should be enough
- See Examples to get started.
- canvas.height: Height
- canvas.width: Width
- canvas.mouseX: Current Position of mouse x coordinate
- canvas.mouseY: Current Position of mouse y coordinate
- canvas.mouseDown: Boolean to check if mouse is pressed down
- canvas.mouseDownX: Last Position of mouse press x coordinate
- canvas.mouseDownY: Last Position of mouse press y coordinate
- canvas.drawMode: Fill in a shape or just draw the border
- canvas.setDrawMode(mode): Set the drawMode variable to "stroke" or "fill"
- canvas.setColor(color): Set the color of the shape(s) to the given color. Default color is black(#000000)
- Value can be any one of these types:
- "red"
- "#F54680"
- "rgb(100,100,100)"
- "rgba(100,100,101,0.3)"
- Value can be any one of these types:
- canvas.setLineThickness(width): Set the thickness of the lines while in "fill draw mode". Default value is 1.
- canvas.draw(): Draws the various shapes according to the drawing mode.
- canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2): Draws line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
- canvas.drawCircle(x, y, r): Draws circle with center (x, y) and radius r
- canvas.drawRectangle(x, y, width, height): Draws rectangle with top left corner as (x, y) and of dimensions width * height
- canvas.drawEllipse(x, y, a, b, angle, startAngle, endAngle): Draws an Ellipse with center(x,y) with major axis = a, minor axis = b at an angle theta given the startAngle And Endangle
- canvas.clear(): Clears the canvas
- canvas.isKeyDown(key): Checks if keyboard key is pressed. Example KeyA for A.
- canvas.drawText(x, y, message, fontSize = 30): Draws at (x, y)
- canvas.activateDoubleBuffer(): Call in setup to use double buffering in your program.
- canvas.update(): Updates the screen with changes made on canvas(use only with double buffering)
- canvas.drawImg(path,x,y,width,height): Draws an image at (x,y). "path" argument is used to mention the path of the image (width and height of the image are optional)
- canvas.mouseDownCallback(): Called when mouse is pressed
- canvas.mouseUpCallback(): Called when mouse is released
- canvas.mouseMoveCallback(): Called when mouse is moved
- canvas.keyDownCallback(): Called when key is pressed
- canvas.keyUpCallback(): Called when mouse is released
- canvas.keyUpCallback(): Called when mouse is released
- canvas.mainFunction(): Called when mouse is released