This forge addon enables AdminFaces setup
, scaffold from JPA entities
, test-setup
, new service tests
and scaffold config
It will install AdminFaces dependencies, resources and initial configuration.
In order to enable scaffold generate command you first need to execute Scaffold setup command, see images below.
Scaffold generate
will create crud, including list, form pages and menu entry, on top of selected entities. The generated crud is based on admin-persistence framework.
To get most of scaffold command and to not generate invalid code, follow these two rules:
Use field based access on your JPA entities, more details here. The scaffold command doesn’t support method (property) based access.
Use bidirectional relationships, see here
The recommended way to generate JPA entities from database is to use NetBeans, see here.
It will use field based access and depending on your database schema it will use bidirectional associations.
After scaffold generation the addon will create default scaffold configuration files under src/main/resources/scaffold
for each entity and also a global-config.yml
file. These configuration files default values are based on the entities provided on scaffold generation and the global file.
In order to change scaffold configuration for each entity or the global configuration you either can edit the files manually or use AdminFaces: Scaffold config command.
It will setup integration tests
dependencies and resource files such as DeltaSpike test control and Database Rider.
The Test harness setup
command will enable the New service test which will generate integration tests based on service classes. The command will also generare dbunit yml datasets
based on the service entity.
Use dbunit-addon to generate test datasets .
You can find the generated application by AdminFaces scaffold here:
It was generated using the following commands (you can paste all commands [at once] on the forge console in eclipse ide or using the forge on command line):
project-new --named admin-app --top-level-package --type war --final-name admin-app --version 1.0 ;
javaee-setup --java-ee-version 7 ;
jpa-setup --persistence-unit-name adminPU --jpaVersion 2.1 --jpa-provider "Hibernate 4.x" --container WILDFLY --db-type H2 --data-source-name java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS ;
adminfaces-setup ;
jpa-new-entity --named Talk ;
jpa-new-field --named title ;
jpa-new-field --named description --length 2000 ;
jpa-new-field --named date --type java.util.Date --temporal-type DATE ;
constraint-add --on-property title --constraint NotNull ;
constraint-add --on-property description --constraint Size --max 2000 ;
constraint-add --on-property date --constraint NotNull ;
jpa-new-entity --named Room ;
jpa-new-field --named name --length 20 ;
jpa-new-field --named capacity --type java.lang.Short ;
jpa-new-field --named hasWifi --type java.lang.Boolean ;
constraint-add --on-property name --constraint NotNull ;
constraint-add --on-property capacity --constraint NotNull ;
jpa-new-embeddable --named Address ;
jpa-new-field --named street --length 50 --not-nullable ;
jpa-new-field --named city --length 50 --not-nullable ;
jpa-new-field --named zipcode --columnName --length 10 --not-nullable --type java.lang.Integer ;
jpa-new-field --named state ;
jpa-new-entity --named Speaker ;
jpa-new-field --named firstname ;
jpa-new-field --named surname ;
jpa-new-field --named bio --length 2000 ;
jpa-new-field --named twitter ;
jpa-new-field --named talks --type --relationship-type One-to-Many --inverse-field-name speaker ;
jpa-new-field --named address --entity --type --relationship-type Embedded ;
constraint-add --on-property firstname --constraint NotNull ;
constraint-add --on-property surname --constraint NotNull ;
constraint-add --on-property bio --constraint Size --max 2000 ;
cd ../
jpa-new-field --named room --type --relationship-type Many-to-One --inverse-field-name talks ;
constraint-add --on-property speaker --constraint NotNull ;
constraint-add --on-property room --constraint NotNull ;
scaffold-setup --provider AdminFaces ;
scaffold-generate --provider AdminFaces --entities* ;
adminfaces-test-harness-setup ;
adminfaces-new-service-test --target-services* ;
build test --profile it-tests ;
See this video which shows the execution of above commands. |