This PowerShell module uses the DeepL Api service to translate text or files. It also allows to manage glossaries and retrieve usage information. For more information about the DeepL service refert to
- Get-DeeplGlossary
- Get-DeeplGlossaryDetail
- Get-DeeplGlossaryEntry
- Get-DeeplGlossarySupportedLanguagePair
- Get-DeeplSupportedLanguage
- Get-DeeplUsage
- Invoke-DeeplTranslateFile
- Invoke-DeeplTranslateText
- New-DeeplGlossary
- Remove-DeeplGlossary
The 'Invoke-DeeplTranslateFile' function allows to translate a file using the DeepL API. Supported file types are .docx, .pptx, .pdf, .htm, .html, .txt.
Invoke-DeeplTranslateFile -InputFile C:\Temp\SourceDoc.docx -OutputPath C:\Temp\Output -SourceLanguage "EN" -TargetLanguage "DE" -ApiKey "<MyApiKey>"
The 'Invoke-DeeplTranslateText' function translates text using the DeepL API.
Invoke-DeeplTranslateText -TextToTranslate "PowerShell is cool!" -SourceLanguage "EN" -TargetLanguage "DE" -ApiKey "MyApiKey"
SourceText : PowerShell is cool!
TargetText : PowerShell ist cool!
DetectedSourceLanguage : EN
SpecifiedSourceLanguage : EN
SpecifiedTargetLanguage : DE
OriginalResponse : @{translations=System.Object[]}
The 'Get-DeeplGlossary' function retrieves all glossaries and their meta-information, but not the glossary entries.
Get-DeeplGlossary -ApiKey "<MyApiKey>"
glossary_id : f9a2a12f-9dec-4ca0-b9bd-cb3d9c645aed
name : My Glossary
ready : True
source_lang : en
target_lang : de
creation_time : 31.10.2022 21:39:37
entry_count : 1
The 'Get-DeeplGlossaryDetail' function retrieves a glossary and its meta-information, but not the glossary entries.
Get-DeeplGlossaryDetail -ApiKey "<MyApiKey>" -GlossaryId 46fd68a5-63cc-42b2-86f0-5b84bfd4bbd3
glossary_id : 46fd68a5-63cc-42b2-86f0-5b84bfd4bbd3
name : My Glossary
ready : True
source_lang : en
target_lang : de
creation_time : 29.10.2022 21:06:35
entry_count : 1
The 'Get-DeeplGlossaryEntry' function retrieves a list of entries of a glossary in the format specified by the 'Format' parameter.
Get-DeeplGlossaryEntry -ApiKey "<MyApiKey>" -GlossaryId 46fd68a5-63cc-42b2-86f0-5b84bfd4bbd3
GlossaryId GlossaryContent
---------- ---------------
{f9a2a12f-9dec-4ca0-b9bd-cb3d9c645aed} Hello Guten Tag
The 'Get-DeeplGlossarySupportedLanguagePair' function retrieves a list of supported language pairs that can be used in a glossary.
Get-DeeplGlossarySupportedLanguagePair -ApiKey "<MyApiKey>"
source_lang target_lang
----------- -----------
de en
de fr
en de
en es
en fr
en ja
en it
en pl
en nl
es en
fr de
fr en
ja en
it en
pl en
nl en
The 'Get-DeeplSupportedLanguage' function retrieves the supported source and target langueges of the DeepL Api.
Get-DeeplSupportedLanguage -ApiKey "<MyApiKey>"
language name
-------- ----
BG Bulgarian
CS Czech
DA Danish
DE German
EL Greek
EN English
ES Spanish
ET Estonian
FI Finnish
FR French
HU Hungarian
ID Indonesian
IT Italian
JA Japanese
LT Lithuanian
LV Latvian
NL Dutch
PL Polish
PT Portuguese
RO Romanian
RU Russian
SK Slovak
SL Slovenian
SV Swedish
TR Turkish
UK Ukrainian
ZH Chinese
The 'Get-DeeplUsage' function retrieves usage information within the current billing period together with the corresponding account limits.
Get-DeeplUsage -ApiKey "<MyApiKey>"
character_count character_limit ApiKeyPart
--------------- --------------- ----------
491290 500000 abcde
The 'New-DeeplGlossary' function creates a new glossary for a DeepL account with the source and target language entries.
New-DeeplGlossary -Verbose -ApiKey <MyApiKey> -Name "MyGlossary" -Entry "Hello`tGuten Tag" -EntryFormat TSV -LanguagePair
glossary_id : 57dda93f-597f-494f-88e2-c1771de8a530
name : MyGlossary
ready : True
source_lang : en
target_lang : de
creation_time : 01.11.2022 18:19:54
entry_count : 1
The function 'Remove-DeeplGlossary' removes a glossary with a specific glossary id for a given DeepL account.
Remove-DeeplGlossary -Verbose -ApiKey <MyApiKey> -GlossaryId 7ba6e514-4022-4cdc-91d3-d5b4c9e3c731
Successfully removed glossary with id '7ba6e514-4022-4cdc-91d3-d5b4c9e3c731'