If you want to run it on local follow the steps below
- take clone from github
- Install rails 6
- Install ruby 2.7.2
- Do bundle install inside the folder
- Change database credentials in database.yml accordingly
- Run rake db:create
- Run rake db:migrate
- Run rake db:seed (to import csv)
- Run the job CreateWeeklyTimeSlotsJob manually for initial testing. (It is automated to run on every Sunday at 1 am)
Now you are ready to run the apis!
You can run the test cases with rspec command.
List Coaches - GET localhost:3000/api/v1/coaches
Params - page
List Available Slots - GET localhost:3000/api/v1/coaches/available_slots
Params - coach_id, page
Book a Slot or appointment - POST localhost:3000/api/v1/appointments
Params - first_name:Abhijit last_name:Nakate email:[email protected] time_slot_id:402
Technical details covered -
- Basic rails associations
- All model level validations with custom messages
- Email regex validations with custom messages
- Controller level custom validations
- Serializers
- Pagination
- Added indexes wherever required
- Rspec
- Shared examples with rspec
- Efficient APIs