We created a chat application in native android using Kotlin, Node JS and Mongo DB.
Make sure you have downloaded and installed Node JS and Mongo DB in your system.
Open command prompt or terminal inside "api" folder and run the following commands one-by-one:
npm update npm install -g nodemon nodemon server.js
Run the following command:
ifconfig (mac, linux) or ipconfig /all (windows, linux)
And copy the ipv4 address, it will be something like this:
Copy the address after "inet"
Paste it in "android/app/src/main/java/com/adnantech/chatapp_free_version/utils/MySharedPreference.kt" at line 12
Also paste it in "api/server.js" variable named "global.apiURL"
Then goto "https://console.firebase.google.com/" and create a new project.
Select "android" app
Select the package as "com.adnantech.chatapp_free_version"
Download the "google-services.json" file and paste it inside your "android/app" folder.
Then go to "Project settings"
And go to "Service accounts" tab.
Select "Firebase admin SDK" and select "Node.js"
Click on button "Generate new private key"
Download the JSON file and paste it inside "api" folder.
Open "api/modules/chats.js" and set the downloaded JSON file name at line 15.
If you face any problem in setting up, feel free to contact us: [email protected]