A super tiny Embedly oEmbed library, using HTTParty. It makes a GET request to Embed.ly and returns the response in the form of a hash.
Extracted from Elementalise.
get install tinyembedly
or, add it to your Gemfile
gem 'tinyembedly'
You don't need an Embed.ly API key, but you should really get one. Sign up for an Embed.ly account (they have a free plan).
response = Tinyembedly::Oembed.to_hash("http://youtu.be/12jmp4KVRPM")
Which calls this endpoint and converts it to a hash.
Thats it.
- Ebony Charlton
- fgro
Noone else. Could you help? Go on. Goooo on. Goooooooo on!
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.