is a simple bolt project which automates the process of provisioning and configuring a puppetserver and N puppet agents.
This script uses the power of bolt plans to prepare a master-agent configuration.
To run this script it is required to have bolt
installed(here is all about bolt installation)
The installation requires two steps to be done:
- clone this repo
git clone
- install project dependencies
cd ma_setup
bolt module install
... and now you can start using ma_setup
This plan provision all machines that you need using different provisioners(such as docker, vagrant or custom provisioners)
bolt plan run ma_setup::provision_machines provisioner="vagrant" master="centos/7" agent_oses='["ubuntu/xenial64","ubuntu/bionic64"]'
This plan install and configure puppetserver on master server
bolt plan run ma_setup::server
This plan install and configure puppet-agent on all agents
bolt plan run ma_setup::agents collection="puppet6"
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