This is a web application for booking hotel rooms.
The website is available on the Internet:
The application consists of two modules. The first is a publicly visible website, which is available on /
endpoint. It contains information about the hotel and has a booking form. The second module is for administrator and is available on /admin
endpoint. You have to log in to see the details - admin panel is not available for unlogged user.
To run the application locally you need to have
Python 3
installed. -
Moreover, you have to set environment variables or create a file named
in main directory with variables:EMAIL_PASSWORD=password
contains access data to your Gmail account, from which conformation emails will be sent. VariablesADMIN_LOGIN
defines login and password for admin access. -
Next, you have to create a virtual environment and install required packages. All you have to do is to run a script:
(optional) You can also create a database ind fill it with example data by running a script:
However, one is already created, so you don't have to do it once more. -
To start an app you have to run a script:
. You will see then the address on which the website is available.
By default, a server is started with 2 workers, but you can change it by editing --workers
parameter in the script ./start_app
In the repository, there are two files, which are nedded by heroku for deployment.
These two files are: Procfile
and runtime.txt
The following technologies and libraries were used in the project:
- Bootstrap 4
- Font Awesome - icons
- Gijgo - datepicker
- MDBootstrap - admin table
- DataTables - admin table
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Gijgo - datepicker
- DataTables - admin table
- JSCharting - admin charts
- moment
- Python
- FastAPI, fastapi_login, uvicorn
- asyncio
- pandas, SQLite3
- smtplib, email
- datetime, os, dotenv
- starlette, pydantic
- inspect, typing - for form decorator
- Database
- SQLite3
The photos are mostly shared on Creative Commons licence on the Internet; the details are in the following file: ./html/items/
. The logo and favicon were created in GIMP
It is the final project created during Web Application course at Data Science studies at MiNI, Warsaw University of Technology.