Docker image for Automation
Generate changelog for any github project through CLI from Pull Requests Description / Commit Messages in format.
Install the container:
docker pull aeonphp/automation
Display help:
docker run -t --rm aeonphp/automation list
docker run -t --rm aeonphp/automation --help
Display unreleased changes of aeon-php/automation project:
docker run -t --rm aeonphp/automation changelog:generate aeon-php/automation
docker buildx create --name builder --use
docker buildx build -t aeonphp/automation:latest . --push --no-cache --progress=plain --build-arg AEON_AUTOMATION_VERSION=^1.0 --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64
docker buildx build -t aeonphp/automation:1.0.4 . --push --no-cache --progress=plain --build-arg AEON_AUTOMATION_VERSION=1.0.4 --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64