You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 48
aergocli is a command line tool that interfaces with the GRPC exposed by aergosvr.
So, in order to use full feature of aergocli you will need to have the end point (IP address and port number) to a aergosvr instance.
For a list of all commands known to aergocli, simply run it with no arguments.
Aergo is right
aergocli [command]
Available Commands:
account account command
blockchain Print current blockchain status
committx Send transaction
contract contract command
getblock Get block information
getpeers Get Peer list
getstate Get account state
gettx Get transaction information
help Help about any command
keygen Generate private key
listblocks Get block headers list
node Show internal metric
receipt receipt command
sendtx Send transaction
signtx Sign transaction
verifytx Verify transaction
version Print the version number of Aergocli
--config string config file (default is config.toml) (default "config.toml")
-h, --help help for aergocli
--home string aergo home path (default ".")
-H, --host string Host address to aergo server (default "localhost")
-p, --port int32 Port number to aergo server (default 7845)
Use "aergocli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ aergocli account new --password yourpasswordhere
$ aergocli account new
Enter Password:
Repeat Password:
now, we use the account in the aergosvr. please remember the password carefully because there is no way to find the password.
Before request send transaction you must unlock your account first
$ aergocli account unlock --address AmQFgm1gCvoRw2RfBXnipRmeCLEc6tTQ1kBMmLEzHjp91xYnXK78
Enter Password:
$ aergocli account unlock --address AmQFgm1gCvoRw2RfBXnipRmeCLEc6tTQ1kBMmLEzHjp91xYnXK78 --password yourpasswordhere
and then
$ ./aergocli sendtx --from AmQFgm1gCvoRw2RfBXnipRmeCLEc6tTQ1kBMmLEzHjp91xYnXK78 --to AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ --amount 1000
75yMzPTS2oFJYvfj6QDxPsuYXVnwgQvKh1xaYgfuqGhJ TX_OK
$ aergocli gettx 75yMzPTS2oFJYvfj6QDxPsuYXVnwgQvKh1xaYgfuqGhJ
Confirm: {
"TxIdx": {
"BlockHash": "GGT9wahqcKKGKUncMuhRLLL3JaCs2MEBx7V8UdrK9JNi",
"Idx": 0
"Tx": {
"Hash": "75yMzPTS2oFJYvfj6QDxPsuYXVnwgQvKh1xaYgfuqGhJ",
"Body": {
"Nonce": 1,
"Account": "AmQFgm1gCvoRw2RfBXnipRmeCLEc6tTQ1kBMmLEzHjp91xYnXK78",
"Recipient": "AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ",
"Amount": 1000,
"Payload": "",
"Limit": 0,
"Price": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Sign": "AN1rKvt8ZQ3Dg7UU86NqmTPmwgmQTkp7WqMDGmqvYBXyYoDiLTx6WyCmhqTcYUMXBW5NYvCeDviYPWyMniEsnYsYz2AdXFCno"
$ aergocli getblock --hash GGT9wahqcKKGKUncMuhRLLL3JaCs2MEBx7V8UdrK9JNi
"Hash": "GGT9wahqcKKGKUncMuhRLLL3JaCs2MEBx7V8UdrK9JNi",
"Header": {
"PrevBlockHash": "49E5xQxnuDnhSa2qZNb59qDRd48d8vsWFQyxuc33DijV",
"BlockNo": 7454,
"Timestamp": 1540968429100585000,
"BlockRootHash": "",
"TxRootHash": "75yMzPTS2oFJYvfj6QDxPsuYXVnwgQvKh1xaYgfuqGhJ",
"Confirms": 0,
"PubKey": "",
"Sign": ""
"Body": {
"Txs": [
"Hash": "75yMzPTS2oFJYvfj6QDxPsuYXVnwgQvKh1xaYgfuqGhJ",
"Body": {
"Nonce": 1,
"Account": "AmQFgm1gCvoRw2RfBXnipRmeCLEc6tTQ1kBMmLEzHjp91xYnXK78",
"Recipient": "AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ",
"Amount": 1000,
"Payload": "",
"Limit": 0,
"Price": 0,
"Type": 0,
"Sign": "AN1rKvt8ZQ3Dg7UU86NqmTPmwgmQTkp7WqMDGmqvYBXyYoDiLTx6WyCmhqTcYUMXBW5NYvCeDviYPWyMniEsnYsYz2AdXFCno"
After unlock the account
$ aergocli signtx --jsontx \
"{\"account\":\"AmNBZ8WQKP8DbuP9Q9W9vGFhiT8vQNcuSZ2SbBbVvbJWGV3Wh1mn\", \
\"nonce\": 2 , \
\"price\": 1 , \
\"limit\": 100 , \
\"recipient\":\"AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ\", \
\"type\": 0, \
\"amount\": 25000 }"
"Hash": "HB44gJvHhVoEfgiGq3VZmV9VUXfBXhHjcEvroBMkJGnY",
"Body": {
"Nonce": 2,
"Account": "AmNBZ8WQKP8DbuP9Q9W9vGFhiT8vQNcuSZ2SbBbVvbJWGV3Wh1mn",
"Recipient": "AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ",
"Amount": 25000,
"Payload": "",
"Limit": 100,
"Price": 1,
"Type": 0,
"Sign": "381yXYxTtq2tRPRQPF7tHH6Cq3y8PvcsFWztPwCRmmYfqnK83Z3a6Yj9fyy8Rpvrrw76Y52SNAP6Th3BYQjX1Bcmf6NQrDHQ"
Send given transactions to aergosvr
$ aergocli committx --jsontx "{ \
\"Hash\": \"HB44gJvHhVoEfgiGq3VZmV9VUXfBXhHjcEvroBMkJGnY\", \
\"Body\": { \
\"Nonce\": 2, \
\"Account\": \"AmNBZ8WQKP8DbuP9Q9W9vGFhiT8vQNcuSZ2SbBbVvbJWGV3Wh1mn\", \
\"Recipient\": \"AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ\", \
\"Amount\": 25000, \
\"Payload\": \"\", \
\"Limit\": 100, \
\"Price\": 1, \
\"Type\": 0, \
\"Sign\": \"381yXYxTtq2tRPRQPF7tHH6Cq3y8PvcsFWztPwCRmmYfqnK83Z3a6Yj9fyy8Rpvrrw76Y52SNAP6Th3BYQjX1Bcmf6NQrDHQ\" \
} \
1 : HB44gJvHhVoEfgiGq3VZmV9VUXfBXhHjcEvroBMkJGnY TX_OK
Check account's state (nonce, balance)
$ aergocli getstate --address "AmNvFyqKFGVWvQ3MTi3eMFiNB9zvL9cK43B9c9bzcA732YZjZgfn"
Get state with a compressed merkle proof.
$ aergocli getstate --address "AmNvFyqKFGVWvQ3MTi3eMFiNB9zvL9cK43B9c9bzcA732YZjZgfn" --proof --compressed
By default, the returned state is the one at the latest block, but you may specify any past block's state root.
$ aergocli getstate --address "AmNvFyqKFGVWvQ3MTi3eMFiNB9zvL9cK43B9c9bzcA732YZjZgfn" --root "9NBSjkcNTdE5ciBxfb52RmsVW7vgX5voRsv6KcosiNjE"
There is some feature working on aergocli itself without aergosvr.
With --path
option, aergocli make the account in the given path. not in aergosvr.
$ aergocli account new --password yourpasswordhere --path path/to/save/account
Private key of account AmNFcocofUvmyLtXA6WgpANbjiF7RScGvQ4memNyNzS4ARJox3yq is store in given path
Of course this account can be exported and imported to aergosvr or other path.
$ aergocli account export --address AmNFcocofUvmyLtXA6WgpANbjiF7RScGvQ4memNyNzS4ARJox3yq --password yourpasswordhere --path path/to/save/account
$ aergocli account import --if 47rsdfckuUCcjY3SmzCtmthhQm336Cpz9341xQHq6sr5Wm3md9FaTZDj6Gkqtff3WBPoqtzVV --password yourpasswordhere --path other/path/to/save/account
With --path
option, aergocli can sign the transaction using private key of account in given path.
Unlike using aergosrv, parameter --address
and --password
are needed instead of unlock.
$ aergocli signtx --address AmNFcocofUvmyLtXA6WgpANbjiF7RScGvQ4memNyNzS4ARJox3yq --jsontx \
"{\"account\":\"AmNBZ8WQKP8DbuP9Q9W9vGFhiT8vQNcuSZ2SbBbVvbJWGV3Wh1mn\", \
\"nonce\": 2 , \
\"price\": 1 , \
\"limit\": 100 , \
\"recipient\":\"AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ\", \
\"type\": 0, \
\"amount\": 25000 }" --path path/to/save/account --password yourpasswordhere
"Hash": "HB44gJvHhVoEfgiGq3VZmV9VUXfBXhHjcEvroBMkJGnY",
"Body": {
"Nonce": 2,
"Account": "AmNBZ8WQKP8DbuP9Q9W9vGFhiT8vQNcuSZ2SbBbVvbJWGV3Wh1mn",
"Recipient": "AmLnVfGwq49etaa7dnzfGJTbaZWV7aVmrxFes4KmWukXwtooVZPJ",
"Amount": 25000,
"Payload": "",
"Limit": 100,
"Price": 1,
"Type": 0,
"Sign": "381yXYxTtq2tRPRQPF7tHH6Cq3y8PvcsFWztPwCRmmYfqnK83Z3a6Yj9fyy8Rpvrrw76Y52SNAP6Th3BYQjX1Bcmf6NQrDHQ"