SQL CLR Libary to produce file output from SQL stored procedures.
- Produce a CSV file output based on SQL Statement output. Example below produces as CSV file with the Sales table data
DECLARE @sqlcommand nvarchar(MAX);
DECLARE @delimiter NCHAR(1);
DECLARE @dateformat NVARCHAR(50);
DECLARE @decimalSeparator CHAR(1);
SET @sqlcommand = 'SELECT * from [SalesDB].[dbo].[Sales]';
SET @filepath = 'C:\temp';
SET @delimiter = '|';
SET @dateformat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss';
SET @decimalSeparator = '.';
Exec [dbo].[RowbyRowSql2Csv]
@sql = @sqlcommand,
@filePath = @filepath,
@fileName = 'SALES.CSV',
@includeHeader = 1,
@delimiter = @delimiter,
@UseQuoteIdentifier = 0,
@overWriteExisting = True,
@Encoding = 'windows-1252',
@dateformat = @dateformat,
@decimalSeparator = @decimalSeparator,
@maxdop = 4,
@distributeKeyColumn='PRODUCT_KEY'; -- Must be an integer or bigint column (or a computed formula that return a int) ideally the rows should be evenlly balanced (the modulus operator on the maxdop is used to split data)