A fun challenge to learn and practice using Streamlit.
The challenge will move through three levels of difficulty: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
📆 Days 1-7 will cover beginner tasks such as setting up a local and cloud coding environment, installing the Streamlit library, and building your first Streamlit Hello World app.
📆 Days 8-23 will cover more intermediate topics. Each day may highlight a Streamlit command to use for creating and deploying a simple Streamlit app (e.g., build a simple app that uses the st.download_button command).
📆 Days 24-30 will enter more advanced subjects. Learn about session states and things like efficient data and memory handling for Streamlit apps.
Learn more 👉 https://blog.streamlit.io/30-days-of-streamlit/
Challenge app 👉 https://30days.streamlitapp.com/