Course from:
- It was a quiz
- Extra space
- Arithmetics
- Fix the code: Print a single line
- Times five
- Name and age
- Seconds in a day
- Fix the code: Product
- Sum and product
- Sum and mean
- Food expenditure
- Students in groups
- Orwell
- Absolute value
- Soup or no soup
- Order of magnitude
- Calculator
- Temperatures
- Daily wages
- Loyalty bonus
- What to wear tomorrow
- Solving a quadratic equation
- It was a quiz
- Age check
- Nephews
- Grades and points
- FizzBuzz
- Leap year
- Alphabetically in the middle
- Gift tax calculator
- Shall we continue?
- Input validation
- Fix the code: Countdown
- Repeat password
- PIN and number of attempts
- The next leap year
- Story
- Working with numbers
- It was a quiz
- Print numbers
- Fix the code: Countdown
- Numbers
- Powers of two
- Powers of base n
- The sum of consecutive numbers, version 1
- The sum of consecutive numbers, version 2
- String multiplied
- The longer string
- End to beginning
- Second and second to last characters
- A line of hashes
- A rectangle of hashes
- Underlining
- Right-aligned
- A framed word
- Substrings, part 1
- Substrings, part 2
- Does it contain vowels
- Find the first substring
- Find all the substrings
- The second occurrence
- Seven Brothers
- The first character
- Mean
- Print many times
- A square of hashes
- Chessboard
- A word squared
- It was a quiz
- Line
- A box of hashes
- A square of hashes
- A square
- A triangle
- A shape
- A spruce
- The greatest number
- Same characters
- First, second and last words
- Change the value of an item
- Add items to a list
- Addition and removal
- Same word twice
- List twice
- The length of a list
- Arithmetic mean
- The range of a list
- Star-studded
- From negative to positive
- List of stars
- Anagrams
- Palindromes
- The sum of positive numbers
- Even numbers
- The sum of lists
- Distinct numbers
- The length of the longest in the list
- The shortest in the list
- All the longest in the list
- Everything reversed
- Most common character
- No vowels allowed
- No shouting allowed
- Neighbours in a list
- Grade statistics
- It was a quiz
- The longest string
- Number of matching elements
- Go
- Sudoku: check row
- Sudoku: check column
- Sudoku: check block
- Sudoku: check grid
- Items multiplied by two
- Remove the smallest
- Sudoku: print out the grid and add a number
- Sudoku: add number to a copy of the grid
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Transpose a matrix
- Times ten
- Factorials
- Histogram
- Phone book, version 1
- Phone book, version 2
- Invert a dictionary
- Numbers spelled out
- Movie database
- Find movies
- Create a tuple
- The oldest person
- Older people
- Student database
- A square of letters
- Quiz: Feedback, Part 5
- Largest number
- Fruit market
- Matrix
- Course grading, part 1
- Course grading, part 2
- Course grading, part 3
- Spell checker
- Recipe search
- City bikes
- Inscription
- Diary
- Filtering the contents of a file
- Store personal data
- Course grading, part 4
- Word search
- Dictionary stored in a file
- Phone book expansion, version 1
- Phone book expansion, version 2
- CourseRecords
- Quiz: Feedback, part 10
- Square roots
- Rows of stars
- Best exam result
- Lengths
- Remove smaller than
- Begin with a vowel
- Lottery numbers
- Filter forbidden
- Products in shopping list
- Price difference of cheaper properties
- Lengths of strings
- Most common words