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Python Programming MOOC 2024

Course from:

Part 1

Getting started

  1. Emoticon
  2. Fix the code: Seven Brothers
  3. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  4. Minutes in a year
  5. Print some code

Information from the user

  1. Name twice
  2. Name and exclamation marks
  3. Name and address
  4. Fix the code: Utterances
  5. Story

More about variables

  1. It was a quiz
  2. Extra space
  3. Arithmetics
  4. Fix the code: Print a single line

Arithmetic operations

  1. Times five
  2. Name and age
  3. Seconds in a day
  4. Fix the code: Product
  5. Sum and product
  6. Sum and mean
  7. Food expenditure
  8. Students in groups

Conditional statements

  1. Orwell
  2. Absolute value
  3. Soup or no soup
  4. Order of magnitude
  5. Calculator
  6. Temperatures
  7. Daily wages
  8. Loyalty bonus
  9. What to wear tomorrow
  10. Solving a quadratic equation
  11. It was a quiz

Part 2

Programming terminology

  1. Fix the syntax
  2. Number of characters
  3. Typecasting

More conditionals

  1. Age of maturity
  2. Greater than or equal to
  3. The elder
  4. Alphabetically last

Combining conditions

  1. Age check
  2. Nephews
  3. Grades and points
  4. FizzBuzz
  5. Leap year
  6. Alphabetically in the middle
  7. Gift tax calculator

Simple loops

  1. Shall we continue?
  2. Input validation
  3. Fix the code: Countdown
  4. Repeat password
  5. PIN and number of attempts
  6. The next leap year
  7. Story
  8. Working with numbers
  9. It was a quiz

Part 3

Loops with conditions

  1. Print numbers
  2. Fix the code: Countdown
  3. Numbers
  4. Powers of two
  5. Powers of base n
  6. The sum of consecutive numbers, version 1
  7. The sum of consecutive numbers, version 2

Working with strings

  1. String multiplied
  2. The longer string
  3. End to beginning
  4. Second and second to last characters
  5. A line of hashes
  6. A rectangle of hashes
  7. Underlining
  8. Right-aligned
  9. A framed word
  10. Substrings, part 1
  11. Substrings, part 2
  12. Does it contain vowels
  13. Find the first substring
  14. Find all the substrings
  15. The second occurrence

More loops

  1. Multiplication
  2. First letters of words
  3. Factorial
  4. Flip the pairs
  5. Taking turns

Defining functions

  1. Seven Brothers
  2. The first character
  3. Mean
  4. Print many times
  5. A square of hashes
  6. Chessboard
  7. A word squared
  8. It was a quiz

Part 4

The Visual Studio Code editor, Python interpreter and built-in debugging tool

  1. Hello Visual Studio Code

More functions

  1. Line
  2. A box of hashes
  3. A square of hashes
  4. A square
  5. A triangle
  6. A shape
  7. A spruce
  8. The greatest number
  9. Same characters
  10. First, second and last words


  1. Change the value of an item
  2. Add items to a list
  3. Addition and removal
  4. Same word twice
  5. List twice
  6. The length of a list
  7. Arithmetic mean
  8. The range of a list

Definite iteration

  1. Star-studded
  2. From negative to positive
  3. List of stars
  4. Anagrams
  5. Palindromes
  6. The sum of positive numbers
  7. Even numbers
  8. The sum of lists
  9. Distinct numbers
  10. The length of the longest in the list
  11. The shortest in the list
  12. All the longest in the list

Print statement formatting

  1. Integers to strings

More strings and lists

  1. Everything reversed
  2. Most common character
  3. No vowels allowed
  4. No shouting allowed
  5. Neighbours in a list
  6. Grade statistics
  7. It was a quiz

Part 5

More lists

  1. The longest string
  2. Number of matching elements
  3. Go
  4. Sudoku: check row
  5. Sudoku: check column
  6. Sudoku: check block
  7. Sudoku: check grid


  1. Items multiplied by two
  2. Remove the smallest
  3. Sudoku: print out the grid and add a number
  4. Sudoku: add number to a copy of the grid
  5. Tic-Tac-Toe
  6. Transpose a matrix


  1. Times ten
  2. Factorials
  3. Histogram
  4. Phone book, version 1
  5. Phone book, version 2
  6. Invert a dictionary
  7. Numbers spelled out
  8. Movie database
  9. Find movies


  1. Create a tuple
  2. The oldest person
  3. Older people
  4. Student database
  5. A square of letters
  6. Quiz: Feedback, Part 5

Part 6

Reading files

  1. Largest number
  2. Fruit market
  3. Matrix
  4. Course grading, part 1
  5. Course grading, part 2
  6. Course grading, part 3
  7. Spell checker
  8. Recipe search
  9. City bikes

Writing files

  1. Inscription
  2. Diary
  3. Filtering the contents of a file
  4. Store personal data
  5. Course grading, part 4
  6. Word search
  7. Dictionary stored in a file

Handling errors

  1. Reading input
  2. Parameter validation
  3. Incorrect lottery numbers

Local and global variables

  1. Quiz: Feedback, Part 6

Part 7


  1. Hypotenuse
  2. Special characters
  3. Fractions


  1. Lottery numbers
  2. Password generator, part 1
  3. Password generator, part 2
  4. Dice roller
  5. Random words

Times and dates

  1. How old
  2. Valid PIC?
  3. Screen time

Data processing

  1. Handling JSON files
  2. Course statistics
  3. Who cheated
  4. Who cheated, version 2
  5. Spell checker, version 2

Creating your own modules

  1. String helper
  2. Quiz: Loppukysely, osa 7

More Python features

  1. Your own programming language
  2. Quiz: Course Feedback

Part 8

Objects and methods

  1. The smallest average result
  2. Row sums

Classes and objects

  1. List of years
  2. Shopping list

Defining classes

  1. Book
  2. Three classes
  3. Define class: Pet
  4. The older book
  5. Books of a genre

Defining methods

  1. Decreasing counter
  2. First and last name
  3. Statistics on numbers

More examples of classes

  1. Stopwatch
  2. Clock
  3. LunchCard
  4. Series
  5. Quiz: Feedback, part 8

Part 9

Objects and references

  1. The fastest car
  2. Passing submissions
  3. Baby Centre
  4. LunchCard and PaymentTerminal
  5. Comparing properties

Objects as attributes

  1. Pets
  2. A box of presents
  3. The shortest person in the room


  1. Car
  2. Recording
  3. Weather station

Scope of methods

  1. Service charge

Class attributes

  1. Postcodes
  2. List helper

More examples with classes

  1. Item, Suitcase and Cargo hold
  2. Quiz: Feedback, part 9

Part 10

Class hierarchies

  1. Laptop computer
  2. Game Museum
  3. Areas
  4. Word game

Access modifiers

  1. Supergroup
  2. Secret magic potion

Object oriented programming techniques

  1. Money
  2. Simple date
  3. An iterable shopping list

Developing a larger application

  1. Phone book expansion, version 1
  2. Phone book expansion, version 2
  3. CourseRecords
  4. Quiz: Feedback, part 10

Part 11

List comprehensions

  1. Square roots
  2. Rows of stars
  3. Best exam result
  4. Lengths
  5. Remove smaller than
  6. Begin with a vowel
  7. Lottery numbers

More comprehensions

  1. Filter forbidden
  2. Products in shopping list
  3. Price difference of cheaper properties
  4. Lengths of strings
  5. Most common words


  1. Add numbers to a list
  2. Recursive sum
  3. Balance all the brackets

More recursion examples

  1. Greatest node
  2. Bosses and subordinates
  3. OrderBook
  4. Order book application
  5. Quiz: Feedback, part 11

Part 12

Functions as arguments

  1. Sort by remaining stock
  2. Sort by number of seasons
  3. Sort by ratings
  4. ClimbingRoute
  5. Climbing areas
  6. BallPlayers
  7. Product search


  1. Even numbers
  2. Prime numbers
  3. Random words

Functional programming

  1. Attempted courses
  2. Filtering attempts
  3. Study credits

Regular expressions

  1. Regular expressions
  2. Hockey statistics
  3. Quiz: Feedback, part 12

Part 13


  1. Four robots
  2. Robots in a row
  3. A hundred robots
  4. Random robots


  1. Vertical movement
  2. Round the perimeter
  3. Two robots
  4. Robots in a circle
  5. Bouncing ball
  6. Robot invasion


  1. Four directions
  2. Four walls
  3. Two players
  4. Robot and mouse
  5. The location of the robot

More pygame techniques

  1. Clock
  2. Asteroids
  3. Quiz: Feedback, part 13

Part 14

Your own game

  1. Quiz: Own game
  2. Quiz: Feedback, part 14
  3. Quiz: Final quiz, Advanced Course

About programming course






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