This is a temporary home for code from the strong lenses project at MDST.
The data may be downloaded from the MBox folder dedicated to this project, per MDST policy. Everyone should be able to access that, as long as they login using their UMich IDs. Currently (17 September 2017) we are working with imadjust.npy with classification.npy as the labels.
Below follows two sections:
- Code structure
- basic use cases/examples
Our code is partitioned into 3 sections:
- Models
- Utilities
- Metrics
The models section contains the various networks and training settings we've tried, saved as functions written using the Keras python library. For example, consider convet() in
def convnet(input_shape=(101, 101, 4)):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=(2,2), activation='softplus',
model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), strides=(2,2), activation='softplus'))
model.add(Conv2D(16, (3, 3), activation='softplus'))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2,2), strides=(2,2)))
model.add(Dense(128, activation='softplus'))
model.add(Dense(32, activation='softplus'))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
return model
This is how we record convnet's network architecture - as a function we call call to obtain a keras neural network object.
However, neural networks are more than just architecture:
def compiledConvnet(input_shape=(101, 101, 4)):
model = convnet(input_shape)
optimizer = Adam(lr = .0001, decay = 5e-5)
return model
Keras not only creates the details of network architecture, it also allows us to choose the hyperparameters for our network. So, to save favorable hyperparameter selections, we create a function that calls convet() to get the network architecture, and returns a Keras object that is "compiled" with the hyperparameters and ready to train. All you need to do to use these functions is
import models_preprocessing
in your terminal or in a script.
In, we have functions which take in objects from the models section above and evaluate them in various ways. Details will be given below, but these functions also take in data and other parameters not settable through compilation. Keep in mind that we do not always give the object returned by the function from models as a parameter. Sometimes we may give the function itself, so we can call it again and again (remember that in python, functions are also objects). For example, in utils.train we give the objects returned by the functions:
utils.train(models_preprocessing.compiledConvnet(), num_epochs, X, Y)
but in utils.cross_validation we give the function:
utils.cross_validation(models_preprocessing.compiledConvet, metrics ... ...)
What is metrics in utils.cross_validation? Conceptually, metrics are simply functions whose output reflects model performance in some way. In our framework, we abstract them away as well, to All metric function definitions follow this structure:
def <method_name>(testX, testY, yPred, yProb):
Where testX and testY are the feature vectors and labels of the test data, yPred is actual predictions (for example, members of {0, 1} for binary classification) and yProb is the model score - that is, the actual output of the model (for example, members of [0, 1] in the real numbers for probabilitistic models).
We can use these metrics in utils methods, as objects. For example, say I want to use auroc and accuracy in utils.test. Then I create an array and use it like this:
metrics_array = [metrics.auroc, metrics.accuracy]
utils.test(model, metrics_array, X1, Y1, X2, Y2 ... )
That's the broad level overview. You can find details in the comments in the code, and look at examples below:
In this example, we will find give code for finding the optimal number of epochs for a neural network called "convnet", drawing its learning curve, and then confirming performance using cross validation.
Testing epochs 1-40 inclusive by using utils.epoch_curve:
from models_preprocessing import compiledConvnet
from metrics import auroc, accuracy
import utils
import numpy
X = numpy.load('data')
Y = numpy.load('labels')
utils.epoch_curve(compiledConvnet, X, Y, validation_fraction=0.3,
epochs_to_try=range(1, 41), evaluation_functions=[auroc, accuracy])
validation_fraction is the percentage of the data to use as the testing set. Say the optimal number of epochs is 12, based on the figure from utils.epoch_curve. Then we may draw the learning curve for this number of epochs:
from models_preprocessing import compiledConvnet
from metrics import auroc, accuracy
import utils
import numpy
X = numpy.load('data')
Y = numpy.load('labels')
utils.learning_curve(compiledConvnet, X, Y, fraction_test=0.3,
num_iterations=20, num_epochs=12, evaluation_functions=[auroc, accuracy])
fraction_test serves the same function as validation_fraction in epoch_curve Perhaps our learning curve looks good. We now run 5-fold cross validation to get an idea for the stability of our model:
from models_preprocessing import compiledConvnet
from metrics import auroc, accuracy
import utils
import numpy
X = numpy.load('data')
Y = numpy.load('labels')
utils.cross_validation(compiledConvnet, X, Y, numFolds=5, num_epochs=12,
metrics_array=[auroc, accuracy])