This is a simple node-webkit application to collect training data, headers and simple textblocks. The json export can be used to generate training catalogs etc.
Due to the nature of node-webkit apps, this runs on mac os x , windows and linux.
It uses
- bootstrap-3 for the layout and icons,
- knockoutjs all the databinding
- nedb as a NoSQL-DB.
- create headers sections
- create multiline textblock sections
- create training sections
- move sections up/down
- delete sections
- export sections as json
Missing features (for the sake of simplicity):
- no specific input-types (all fields are text)
- no validation
- no drag and drop
- download node-webkit runtime for your platform (all from the node-webkit project)
- mac os x:
- windows: nw.exe, nw.pak, icudt.dll, libEGL.dll, libGLESv2.dll
- install nedb node module
npm install nedb --save
Simply double-click on the nw.exe
for windows or the node-webkit
app on the mac.
With an empty database you can create one of the three predefined section types (header/textblock/training)
Before and behind any section you can create new sections. Moving them up or down is done by the little arrows. Delete the section with the trash icon.
Here is a mixture of all sections.
Here is a sample json export of all three section types with empty fields. Each section has got a unique id, that is generated by nedb:
"type": "header",
"id": "igv61FUB6BsKKDtZ",
"text": ""
"type": "textblock",
"id": "hYdfYzO67l1Y6Yph",
"text": ""
"type": "training",
"id": "yBKo46hiJuxzfJQ8",
"trainingNumber": "",
"trainingTitle1": "",
"trainingTitle2": "",
"trainingTotalCost": "",
"trainingContent": "",
"trainingTutorFirstname": "",
"trainingTutorLastname": "",
"trainingCity": "",
"trainingLocation": "",
"trainingNumAppointments": "",
"trainingNumLessons": "",
"trainingStartDate": "",
"trainingEndDate": "",
"trainingMaxParticipants": "",
"trainingTime": ""