Before starting you will need to install docker and docker-compose to your computer
export COMPOSE_FILE=local.yml
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
# Run a bash terminal inside the app's container
dc exec django bash
# Run pytest
dc exec django pytest
# Run a python shell inside the app
dc exec django ./ shell_plus
# Create a super user
dc exec django ./ createsuperuser
# Run migrations
dc exec django ./ migrate
# Create migrations
dc exec django ./ makemigrations
# Create an empty migration
dc exec django ./ makemigrations --empty tracks
To run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report:
$ coverage run -m pytest
$ coverage html
$ open htmlcov/index.html
This app comes with Celery.
To run a celery worker:
cd learn_islam
celery -A config.celery_app worker -l info
Please note: For Celery's import magic to work, it is important where the celery commands are run. If you are in the same folder with, you should be right.
In development, it is often nice to be able to see emails that are being sent from your application. For that reason local SMTP server MailHog with a web interface is available as docker container.
Container mailhog will start automatically when you will run all docker containers. Please check cookiecutter-django Docker documentation for more details how to start all containers.
With MailHog running, to view messages that are sent by your application, open your browser and go to
Sentry is an error logging aggregator service. You can sign up for a free account at or download and host it yourself. The system is setup with reasonable defaults, including 404 logging and integration with the WSGI application.
You must set the DSN url in production.
The following details how to deploy this application.
See detailed cookiecutter-django Heroku documentation.
See detailed cookiecutter-django Docker documentation.