Is a project which aims in developing a computerized system to maintain all the daily work of library. This project has many features which are generally not available in normal library management systems It also has a facility of librarian login through which the librarian can monitor the whole system. librarian after proper verification from the concerned institution organizing the seminar can add it to the notice board . It has also a facility where student after logging in their accounts can see list of books issued and its issue date and return date and also the students can request the librarian to add new books by filling the book request form. The librarian after logging into his account is admin account can generate various reports such as student report, issue report, teacher report and book report Overall this project of ours is being developed to help the students as well as staff of library to maintain the library in the best way possible and also reduce the human efforts.
Modern Generation is going to dependable on computer and through computer we use Software. Hence, we are learning data structure that's why we create an Application for managing library system by using linked list. By using this, we can store a student's information, store books and store a student's information who take a book from this library. Mainly this application is used by Library administration.
- Add a new section with ID, number of books and field.
- Create a borrowing book record with id, title, amount and publishing date information.
- Delete the record of the borrowing book.
- List the available books based on publishing date.
- Display all the book as well as display specific book.
- Search for section of specific field.
- Calculate the total borrowed books for each section.
- Transfer book from one field to another.
- Organize the book borrowing’s records from newest to oldest.
- Operation (5) borrowed Books the system will display the number of borrowed books from each section at the library
- Operation (6) display Book this operator will display the available books depending on the publishing data user will enter, system will display all books having the same publishing data or have great than.
- Operation (7) Return Book. If the user wants to return back the book he borrowed, the system will take the amount that he wants to return at the library and the system will add the amount user return in the original number.
- Operation (8) Arrange Book, this operator system will organize the borrowed books depending on the publishing data.
- Operation (9) Transfer Section, this operator will take the book from user and the new field of section you want to put this book in then, the system will research if this book has the same field and if the library system has this field in the system will Transfer book in the new section
This library management system which will benefit the students as well as the staff of the library. It makes entire process on computers where student can search books.