Robot-based Facade Spatial Assembly Optimization the iFobot repository consist of grasshopper and rhinocerso files
in order for the repository to work, the following softwares need to be installed:
Rhinocetros 3D 6.0 a Rhinoceros WIP Grasshopper Revit 2020
libraries need to be in installed inside grasshopper environment using "food4rhino" website
-Wallacei -KukaPrc -weaverbird -Excel -Rhinoceros WIP for Revit
after installing all the necessory documents, do the following steps
clone the reopsiterory at
open the rhinoceros file activate grashopper plug in open grasshopper file inside the activated GH canvas
you will see the robot arm and the facade module preview in the rhinoceros canvas
double click on wallaceiX to open the generative design engine start optimizing to see the robot arm trying to find the best pick and placing solution path with minimum travel distance and free of any colision and singularities.
please submit any issue if you face an error at any steps of the process. Good luck