HaHaHub is an Android application designed to entertain users by offering a variety of jokes, a random joke generator. The app integrates with the Official Joke API to provide an engaging user experience. Firebase is also connected for authorization, user registration, and the ability to add jokes to favorites.
The architecture will consist of Activation transitions, internal navigation between fragments using navigation-fragment-ktx, navigation-ui-ktx, network work will take place using retrofit. The UI will be divided into activities and fragments, ViewModels will be used for business logic, and data will be stored in models. Firebase will be used for authorization and further work with the user.Callback and koroutines will be used to work with asynchrony
- Browse a collection of jokes.
- Generate a random joke for instant laughter.
- Discover random activities to break free from boredom.
- The presence of a personal account.
- Nurkin Aidar
- Daniyar Anuar
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 123123