R functions and scripts for summarizing and performing batch-level QC on AIFI sequencing pipeline data.
This repository requires that pandoc
and libhdf5-devel
libraries are installed as dependencies of the H5weaver
sudo apt-get install pandoc libhdf5-dev
It also depends on the internal AIFI H5weaver
and HTOparser
packages. Additional CRAN packages needed to run reports can be found in the Description
CRAN packages can be installed in R using:
# Example
, HTOparser
, and ATAComb
are internally developed packages found in the aifimmunology Github repositories.
is an R package with associated executable scripts. First install dependencies. Then install the R package from the AIFImmunology Github repository:
Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = "[your_PAT_here]")
To run scripts, clone the GitHub repository and run the desired wrapper script within the local clone.
Available batch reports are as follows:
- scRNA cell hashing batch report: Batch report for stand alone scRNA Cell-Hashing + labeling pipelines, run post-labeling
- NGS batch report: Batch QC report intended to summarize data quality for pipeline "approval" steps. Can be used to summarize multiome data in a single report for any combination of supported single cell modalities. Run on well-level data after initial processing steps.
Batch reports are run by executing an R wrapper script with the appropriate options. Options may be unique to different report types. The wrapper script will feed supplied parameters to the Rmarkdown document to render a new report, output to locations specified by arguments.
The run-scrna-batch-qc.R
wrapper script renders scrna-batch-report-parent.Rmd
and is compatible with results files generated by cell-hashing-pipeline
and cell-labeling-pipeline
. Output files from both processes are required for processing. This top level "parent" document will utilize "child" rmarkdown reports that reside within batchreporter
There are 9 parameters for this script:
-b or --batch_id
: The batch name, ie B001-i or --in_dir
: The input directory containing the files to process. Should include the following subdirectories:labeled_h5
: Contains all sample labeled.h5 files for the batch generated bycell-labeling-pipeline
: Contains all pool multiplet.h5 files for the batch generated byrun_h5_merge_by_hash.R
: Contains all well hto_processing_metrics .json files for the batch generated byrun_hto_processing.R
: Contains all batch control labeled.h5 files generated bycell-labeling-pipeline
for a standing set of reference batches. Included reference batches may be added to over time, but initially include B004, B007, and B025.
-k or --in_key
: A 6-column .csv Sample Sheet (see format below) of identifiers for all samples in the batch.-c or --in_config
: A .csv file of analysis parameters. For standard pbmc processing with Seurat 3 labeling may use the default config. If not supplied, will default to the standing example file withinbatchreporter
('default_rna_config_v1.csv')-t or --in_batch_meta
: A .json file of key value pairs describing relevant reference datasets and software versions used in the analysis pipeline processing of the batch. If provided, all values will be echoed as a flat table on report.-n or --n_cores
: An integer value of number of cores to use for multithreaded processes, used by Seurat functions-m or --mc_mb_limit
: An integer value of number of maximum size in Mb allowed for exporting globals to each worker in multicore processing (for futures R package). Defaults to 50000, suggest >= 20000.-d or --out_dir
: A directory path to use to output the batch report.-o or --out_html
: A filename to use to output the HTML summary report file. For example "B001_scRNA_batch_report.html"
Test runs may be performed by supplying only the -b and -o arguments, as seen in test below.
requires a Sample Sheet, provided as the -k parameter, which has 6 comma-separated columns: SampleID, Type, BatchID, HashTag, PoolID, and WellID. Type
is either Sample
for normal samples or Control
for bridging controls.
All wells associated with each sample should be collapsed into a ";"-delimited string. Expected formatting for variables can be seen below.
For example:
Sample sheets should be provided for each dataset. When running script without a Sample Sheet, for testing purposes, the -k parameter is omitted and the script uses an example file provided in batchreporter
An example run:
git clone https://github.com/aifimmunology/scrna-batch-qc.git
Rscript --vanilla \
/home/jupyter/scrna-batch-report/run-scrna-batch-qc.R \
-b B026 \
-i /home/jupyter/test_data/B026 \
-k /home/jupyter/test_data/B026/sample_key_B026.csv \
-c /home/jupyter/local.lib/batchreporter/extdata/default_rna_config_v1.csv \
-d /home/jupyter/test_output/ \
-o B026_20210317.html \
-t /home/jupyter/local.lib/batchreporter/extdata/batch-metadata.json \
-n 14 \
-m 20000 \
2>&1 | tee /home/jupyter/test_output/B026_20210317-1_log.txt
will generate the HTML reporting file with name as defined by inut parameter -o.
For example, using the run above, we would get the following outputs in out_dir:
Test runs can be performed using datasets provided with the batchreporter
package using -b X002
. These require only the -t
and -o
Rscript --vanilla \
/home/jupyter/batchreporter/run-scrna-batch-qc.R \
-b X002 \
-o /home/jupyter/test_output \
The run-ngs-batch-qc.R
wrapper script renders ngs-batch-report.Rmd
to create a multimodal batch QC report (html).
It is compatible with results files generated by cell-hashing-pipeline
, tenx-rnaseq-pipeline
, and tenx-atacseq-pipeline
The same script can be called with different input parameters to generate reports
for various modality combinations. This top level "parent" document will utilize
"child" rmarkdown reports that reside within batchreporter
There are 8 parameters for this script:
-b or --batch_id
: The batch name, ie B001-m or --in_method
: A ";"-delimited string of the data streams being processed enclosed in quotes, for example "hto;scrna;scatac;adt" for a hashed TEA-seq run, or "scrna;adt" for a non-hased CITE-seq run. The currently supported data stream names are as follows:scrna
(single cell RNA)scatac
(single cell ATAC)adt
(antibody derived tags)hto
(hashtag oligos, if the run is hashed)
-i or --in_dir
: The input directory containing all results files to process. Must include one subdirectory per modality named inin_method
above. An example file tree can be seen in the image below, but the required files per subdirectory are as follows:hto
: Contains the following well level files generated byrun_hto_processing.R
, one file per wellhto_category_table.csv.gz
, one file per wellhto_count_matrix.csv.gz
, one file per well
: Contains the following well level files generated byadd-add-tenx-metadata.R
, one file per well.The metadata-injected h5 files, for exampleB001-P1C1W1.h5
: Contains the following well level files generated by02_run_crossplatform_atac_qc.R
, one file per well. Metadata for all cell barcodes.filtered_metadata.csv.gz
, one file per well. Metadata for all cell barcodes passing ATAC QC filters.fragment_width_summary.csv.gz
, one file per well. Fragment width count summary.saturation_projection.csv.gz
, one file per well. Fragment saturation curve projections.
: Contains the following well level files generated byBarCounter
(BarCounter output). ADT counts for all cell barcodes, unfiltered.adt_positive_tag_counts.csv
(run_adt_well_qc.R output). ADT counts for cell barcodes associated with positive cell calls.
-k or --in_key
: A 6-column .csv Sample Sheet (see format below) of identifiers for all samples in the batch.-c or --in_config
: A .csv file of analysis parameters. For standard pbmc processing with Seurat 3 labeling may use the default config. If not supplied, will default to the standing example file withinbatchreporter
(see default_rna_config_v1.csv). Currently used for scRNA and HTO analysis, but can include analysis parameters for other datastreams in the future.-t or --in_batch_meta
: A .json file of key value pairs describing relevant reference datasets and software versions used in the analysis pipeline processing of the batch. If provided, all values will be echoed as a flat table on report.-d or --out_dir
: A directory path to use to output the batch report.-o or --out_html
: A filename to use to output the HTML summary report file. For example "B001_scRNA_batch_report.html"
Test runs may be performed by supplying only the -b and -o arguments, as seen in test below.
Here is an example of the input directory structure with subdirectories for a hashed TEA-seq run:
requires a Sample Sheet, provided as the -k parameter, which has 6 comma-separated columns: SampleID, Type, BatchID, HashTag, PoolID, and WellID. Type
is either Sample
for normal samples or Control
for bridging controls. When processing a non-hashed run, the HashTag column values will be 'NA'. All wells associated with each sample should be collapsed into a ";"-delimited string for hased runs. Expected formatting for variables can be seen below.
For example a hashed run may look like this:
and a non-hashed run may look like this:
Sample sheets should be provided for each dataset. When running script without a Sample Sheet, for testing purposes, the -k parameter may be omitted and the script uses an example file provided in batchreporter
An example run:
git clone https://github.com/aifimmunology/scrna-batch-qc.git
Rscript --vanilla \
/home/jupyter/batchreporter/run-ngs-batch-qc.R \
-b X070 \
-m 'hto;scrna;scatac;adt' \
-i /home/jupyter/test_data/X070 \
-k /home/jupyter/test_data/X070/sample_key_X070.csv \
-c /home/jupyter/local.lib/batchreporter/extdata/default_rna_config_v1.csv \
-d /home/jupyter/test_output/ \
-o X070_ngs_batch_report.html \
-t /home/jupyter/local.lib/batchreporter/extdata/batch-metadata.json \
2>&1 | tee /home/jupyter/test_output/X070_ngs-batch-report_log.txt
will generate the HTML reporting file with name as defined by inut parameter -o. In addition the
For example, using the example TEA run above, we would get the following outputs in out_dir:
Test runs can be performed using datasets provided with the batchreporter
package using -b X070
. These require only the -t
, and -o
The default test is a hashed TEA-seq run of experimental batch X070, which consists of 6 samples run across 3 wells.
Rscript --vanilla \
/home/jupyter/batchreporter/run-ngs-batch-qc.R \
-b X070 \
-d /home/jupyter/testoutput \
-o X070_ngs_batch_report_testoutput-hashedTEAseq.html \
2>&1 | tee /home/jupyter/test_output/X070_ngs-batch-report_test-hash_log.txt
An example output report generated by this code is located in the example output folder here
A non-hashed tea-seq example can be generated from the same X070 data using the following input parameters.
Rscript --vanilla \
/home/jupyter/batchreporter/run-ngs-batch-qc.R \
-b X000 \
-m 'scrna;scatac;adt' \
-i /home/jupyter/test_data/X070 \
-k /home/jupyter/test_data/X070/sample_key_X070_dummy-nonhashed.csv \
-c /home/jupyter/local.lib/batchreporter/extdata/default_rna_config_v1.csv \
-d /home/jupyter/testoutput \
-o X000_ngs_batch_report_testoutput-simulatednonhashedTEAseq.html \
2>&1 | tee /home/jupyter/test_output/X000_ngs-batch-report_test-nonhash_log.txt
An example output report generated by this code is located in the example output folder here
Version | Date | Description |
1.1.0 | 6/8/2021 | Addition of NGS multimodal batch report |
1.0.0 | Initial release, scRNA hashing pipeline batch report |
The license for this package is available on Github in the file LICENSE.txt in this repository.
We are not currently supporting this code, but simply releasing it to the community AS IS but are not able to provide any guarantees of support. The community is welcome to submit issues, but you should not expect an active response.
If you contribute code to this repository through pull requests or other mechanisms, you are subject to the Allen Institute Contribution Agreement, which is available in the file CONTRIBUTING.md in this repository.