is a full-stack cheatsheet that allows you to visualize and easily copy-paste the code snippets for your projects.
Check out the live site:
Fork the repository Click on the Fork button in the top-right corner. This creates a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.
Download the forked repository: Open terminal. Change directory to Desktop or any where. Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
git clone
Visual Studio Code: Open the repository in VS Code.
cd cheatsheet code .
#There are many ways to open a repository in VS Code.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the project:
npm run dev
You may encounter different data for authentication and comments in production and development; this is because they have separate backends and databases.
That's it! Your machine is running the web locally and successfully.
- You can see all the issues that need to be fixed in the Issues section.
- Communicate within any issue to choose who will work on it. Preview
After you are assigned an issue, you are ready to contribute.
Before that, we need to make sure our local repository is linked with the forked remote repository: So, we can push our commit.
git remote -v
If everything is okay, we can now proceed.
Create a new branch in your local repository.
git checkout -b update/example-db
It's time to code..
Then, after making changes, stage, commit and push them to the new branch in your remote repository.
git add . git commit -m "Updated ExampleDB : id exampleid" git push origin update/example-db
⚠️ If you have problem to push into your forked repository, please create an issue here. I'll help you learn how to fix Github credentials in your VS code. -
Create a pull request to merge your changes into the production code.
Your pull request will be visible on this site. Please wait for my response. I will either approve your code and merge it into production, or provide feedback if changes are needed.
If your pull request is merged, you can delete the branch in both the local and remote repositories.
git switch main git branch -D update/example-db git push origin --delete update/example-db
To contribute again, create a new branch.
References : git remote -v, local new branch, remote new branch, pull request
- Synchronize:
- Every time you want to contribute, make sure your main branch is up-to-date before creating a new branch.
- Remote main branch : Click Sync fork to synchronize your main remote repository with the production code.
- Local main branch : In your local repository, switch to main branch. Then,
bash git switch main git pull
Thank you for contributing to!