We will be building a website that helps people select the right emoji. Kind of like this: https://coolsymbol.com/emojis/emoji-for-copy-and-paste.html
Finding the right emoji can be a bit annoying. This is how i select emoji on desktop:
- Go to Google
- Search for an emoji i want, fx
construction hat emoji
👷 - Try and copy the first emoji that fits what i am looking for
This is an annoying workflow, so lets improve the way a user selects an emoji:
User stories are short descriptions of features, told from the perspective of a user.
They typically are structured as such:
As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >
As a user i want an overview of a lot of emoji's.
As a user i want search for an emojii to find a specific emoji.
As a user i want to click on an emoji to copy it to my clipboard.
As a user i want to select a category of emoji's.
As a user i want to save an emoji to my favorites so i can quickly find them later.
To get the data about the emoji's use this api: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amio/emoji.json/master/emoji.json
If you start having problems with getting the emoji data from github, you can do two things:
- Donwload the data locally and put the json into the main.json
- Get a
from github. This will allow for more calls to github. Follow this article: https://auth0.com/docs/connections/social/github For the webpage just put anything. The url will then be:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amio/emoji.json/master/emoji.json?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
You can use the index.html
, main.js
and main.css
as a start for your project.
p.s. If you are using Visual Studio Code, consider using Live server. It will automatically update your css, js and html when you make a change!
- Fetch the data
- Render the emoji's
Add an input
where users can search for an emoji. On every change in the input filter the emoji's.
Pretty selfexplanatory. There is a function available to you called writeToClipboard
. It can be used like this:
writeToClipboard('Text to copy');
It will return a promise so you can check if the copy was successful or failed.
Clicking on a category should filter the emoji's depending on the category i clicked.
It should be possible to add an emoji as favorite. On the site there should be a list of favorite emoji's. Use local storage for this feature. You must find a way to add an emoji to favorite. Hmm maybe this is actually not possible, see if you can find a solution to it, i could not.
Here is a mockup for the project