A package that quickly provide contact form & email send features.
It's only working with Airdev web base project.
composer require airdev/contact
Next, add it to the Laravel's package providers in config/app.php
* Package Service Providers...
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js"></script>
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=airdev-contact-config
You should next update some configuration in config/contact.php
/* config/contact.php */
return [
* To publish config file run :
* php artisan vendor:publish --tag=airdev-contact-config
'debug' => false,
// Class to apply on the submit button (by default, Bootstrap 5 btn classes are used)
'submit-btn-class' => 'btn btn-primary',
// Class to apply on <form>
'form-class' => '',
// The google captcha keys
'captcha_secret' => env('CAPTCHA_SECRET', ''),
'captcha_public' => env('CAPTCHA_PUBLIC', ''),
'mails' => [
'contact' => [ // it will generate post route 'contact_post'
// The address that should receive the sent mail
'mail_to' => env('MAIL_TO', ''),
// Subject of the mail
'mail_subject' => 'Contact du site ' . env('APP_NAME', ''),
// Redirection after sended the mail
'redirect' => '/',
// The mail view to use (you can publish default view to base on and copy it into your resource folder
'view' => 'mails.mail',
* Just delete this if you have only one form
'depannage' => [ // it will generate post route 'depannage_post'
'mail_to' => env('MAIL_TO', ''),
'mail_subject' => 'Demande de dépannage du site ' . env('APP_NAME', ''),
'redirect' => '/',
'view' => 'mails.depannage',
And specify the route name you defined into the config/contact.php
<x-airdev-contact::form routeName="contact"></x-airdev-contact::form>
<x-airdev-contact::form routeName="depannage"></x-airdev-contact::form>
<!-- Editing the fields -->
<label for="input_name">Nom</label>
<input required name="name" type="text" id="input_name" placeholder="Votre nom">
<label for="input_email">Email</label>
<input name="email" required type="email" id="input_email" placeholder="Votre email">
<label for="input_address">Adresse</label>
<input name="address" type="text" id="input_address" placeholder="Votre adresse">
<label for="input_phone">Téléphone</label>
<input name="phone" required type="text" id="input_phone" placeholder="Votre téléphone">
<label for="input_message">Votre message</label>
<textarea name="message" id="input_message" placeholder="Votre message"></textarea>
<!-- Editing the sending button -->
<x-slot name="button_slot">
<a href="#" class="link">ENVOYER</a>
You'll find these settings into the published config file config/contact.php
/* config/contact.php */
return [
// Class to apply on the submit button (by default, Bootstrap 5 btn classes are used)
'submit-btn-class' => 'btn btn-primary',
// Class to apply on <form>
'form-class' => ''
These other customization are not required for the good work of this library.
If you want to edit the mail that is sent, you can publish the view file. This is often the case when you have more fields than the basic ones in the library.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=airdev-contact-mail-view
You can now modify the view in the following file :