Discontinuous Galerkin code in written in Julia based on the Matlab code from nodal-dg
- 1D problems : advection and Maxwell's equation
- 2D : implementation not yet achieved
git clone https://github.com/aitzkora/GalerkinEtena.jl galerkin
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate("galerkin")
Activating project at `~/galerkin`
julia> using GalerkinEtena
julia> include("galerkin/src/main_advec1D.jl")
9×10 Matrix{Float64}:
-7.18383e-11 0.198669 0.389418 0.564642 0.717356 0.841471 0.932039 0.98545 0.999574 0.973848
0.010024 0.208484 0.398632 0.572887 0.724304 0.846845 0.935625 0.987104 0.999231 0.971521
0.0322758 0.230198 0.418943 0.590987 0.739469 0.858471 0.943249 0.990422 0.99811 0.966007
0.0636452 0.260643 0.44725 0.616026 0.760244 0.874153 0.953212 0.994269 0.995689 0.957413
0.0998334 0.29552 0.479426 0.644218 0.783327 0.891207 0.963558 0.997495 0.991665 0.9463
0.13589 0.330008 0.510969 0.67156 0.805377 0.907087 0.972634 0.999405 0.986334 0.93394
0.166933 0.359488 0.53771 0.694496 0.823594 0.919858 0.97945 0.999995 0.980673 0.922255
0.188835 0.380166 0.556341 0.710336 0.836013 0.92836 0.983696 0.999816 0.976076 0.913423
0.198669 0.389418 0.564642 0.717356 0.841471 0.932039 0.98545 0.999574 0.973848 0.909297