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forked from madox2/vim-ai

AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim.


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This plugin adds Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to your Vim and Neovim. You can generate code, edit text, or have an interactive conversation with GPT models, all powered by OpenAI's API.

vim-ai demo

To get an idea what is possible to do with AI commands see the prompts on the Community Wiki


  • Generate text or code, answer questions with AI
  • Edit selected text in-place with AI
  • Interactive conversation with ChatGPT

How it works

This plugin uses OpenAI's API to generate responses. You will need to setup an account and obtain an API key. Usage of the API is not free, but the cost is reasonable and depends on how many tokens you use, in simple terms, how much text you send and receive (see pricing). Note that the plugin does not send any of your code behind the scenes. You only share and pay for what you specifically select, for prompts and chat content.



  • Vim or Neovim compiled with python3 support
  • API key
# save api key to `~/.config/openai.token` file
echo "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY" > ~/.config/openai.token

# alternatively set it as an environment variable

Using vim-plug

Plug 'madox2/vim-ai'

Manual installation

Using built-in Vim packages :help packages

# vim
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
git clone ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-ai

# neovim
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start
git clone ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start/vim-ai


To use an AI command, type the command followed by an instruction prompt. You can also combine it with a visual selection. Here is a brief overview of available commands:

========= Basic AI commands =========

:AI         complete text
:AIEdit     edit text
:AIChat     continue or open new chat

============= Utilities =============

:AIRedo     repeat last AI command
:AINewChat  open new chat

:help vim-ai

Tip: Press Ctrl-c anytime to cancel completion

Tip: setup your own key bindings or use command shortcuts - :AIE, :AIC, :AIR

If you are interested in more tips or would like to level up your Vim with more commands like :GitCommitMessage - suggesting a git commit message, visit the Community Wiki.


In the documentation below, <selection> denotes a visual selection, {instruction} an instruction prompt and ? symbol an optional parameter.


:AI - complete the text on the current line

:AI {prompt} - complete the prompt

<selection> :AI - complete the selection

<selection> :AI {instruction} - complete the selection using the instruction


<selection>? :AIEdit - edit the current line or the selection

<selection>? :AIEdit {instruction} - edit the current line or the selection using the instruction


:AIChat - continue or start a new conversation.

<selection>? :AIChat {instruction}? - start a new conversation given the selection, the instruction or both

When the AI finishes answering, you can continue the conversation by entering insert mode, adding your prompt, and then using the command :AIChat once again.

.aichat files

You can edit and save the chat conversation to an .aichat file and restore it later. This allows you to create re-usable custom prompts, for example:

# ./refactoring-prompt.aichat

>>> system

You are a Clean Code expert, I have the following code, please refactor it in a more clean and concise way so that my colleagues can maintain the code more easily. Also, explain why you want to refactor the code so that I can add the explanation to the Pull Request.

>>> user

[attach code]

Supported chat roles are >>> system, >>> user and <<< assistant


:AINewChat {preset shortname}? - start a new conversation

This command is used when you need to spawn a new chat in a specific way or in situation when :AIChat would normally continue conversation instead.

As a parameter you put an open chat command preset shortcut - below, tab or right. For example: :AINewChat right.


:AIRedo - repeat last AI command

Use this immediately after AI/AIEdit/AIChat command in order to re-try or get an alternative completion. Note that the randomness of responses heavily depends on the temperature parameter.

Key bindings

This plugin does not set any key binding. Create your own bindings in the .vimrc to trigger AI commands, for example:

" complete text on the current line or in visual selection
nnoremap <leader>a :AI<CR>
xnoremap <leader>a :AI<CR>

" edit text with a custom prompt
xnoremap <leader>s :AIEdit fix grammar and spelling<CR>
nnoremap <leader>s :AIEdit fix grammar and spelling<CR>

" trigger chat
xnoremap <leader>c :AIChat<CR>
nnoremap <leader>c :AIChat<CR>

" redo last AI command
nnoremap <leader>r :AIRedo<CR>


Each command is configured with a corresponding configuration variable. To customize the default configuration, initialize the config variable with a selection of options, for example put this to your.vimrc file:

let g:vim_ai_chat = {
\  "options": {
\    "model": "gpt-4",
\    "temperature": 0.2,
\  },

Or modify options directly during the vim session:

let g:vim_ai_chat['options']['model'] = 'gpt-4'
let g:vim_ai_chat['options']['temperature'] = 0.2

Or customize the options directly in the chat buffer:


>>> user

generate a paragraph of lorem ipsum

Below are listed all available configuration options, along with their default values:

" :AI
" - engine: complete | chat - see how to configure chat engine in the section below
" - options: openai config (see
" - options.request_timeout: request timeout in seconds
" - options.selection_boundary: seleciton prompt wrapper (eliminates empty responses, see #20)
" - ui.paste_mode: use paste mode (see more info in the Notes below)
let g:vim_ai_complete = {
\  "engine": "complete",
\  "options": {
\    "model": "text-davinci-003",
\    "max_tokens": 1000,
\    "temperature": 0.1,
\    "request_timeout": 20,
\    "selection_boundary": "#####",
\  },
\  "ui": {
\    "paste_mode": 1,
\  },

" :AIEdit
" - engine: complete | chat - see how to configure chat engine in the section below
" - options: openai config (see
" - options.request_timeout: request timeout in seconds
" - options.selection_boundary: seleciton prompt wrapper
" - ui.paste_mode: use paste mode (see more info in the Notes below)
let g:vim_ai_edit = {
\  "engine": "complete",
\  "options": {
\    "model": "text-davinci-003",
\    "max_tokens": 1000,
\    "temperature": 0.1,
\    "request_timeout": 20,
\    "selection_boundary": "#####",
\  },
\  "ui": {
\    "paste_mode": 1,
\  },

" This prompt instructs model to work with syntax highlighting
let s:initial_chat_prompt =<< trim END
>>> system

You are a general assistant.
If you attach a code block add syntax type after ``` to enable syntax highlighting.

" :AIChat
" - options: openai config (see
" - options.initial_prompt: prompt prepended to every chat request
" - options.request_timeout: request timeout in seconds
" - options.selection_boundary: seleciton prompt wrapper
" - ui.populate_options: put [chat-options] to the chat header
" - ui.open_chat_command: preset (preset_below, preset_tab, preset_right) or a custom command
" - ui.scratch_buffer_keep_open: re-use scratch buffer within the vim session
" - ui.paste_mode: use paste mode (see more info in the Notes below)
let g:vim_ai_chat = {
\  "options": {
\    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
\    "max_tokens": 1000,
\    "temperature": 1,
\    "request_timeout": 20,
\    "selection_boundary": "",
\    "initial_prompt": s:initial_chat_prompt,
\  },
\  "ui": {
\    "code_syntax_enabled": 1,
\    "populate_options": 0,
\    "open_chat_command": "preset_below",
\    "scratch_buffer_keep_open": 0,
\    "paste_mode": 1,
\  },

" Notes:
" ui.paste_mode
" - if disabled code indentation will work but AI doesn't always respond with a code block
"   therefore it could be messed up
" - find out more in vim's help `:help paste`

Using chat engine for completion and edits

It is possible to configure chat models, such as gpt-3.5-turbo, to be used in :AI and :AIEdit commands. These models are cheaper, but currently less suitable for code editing/completion, as they respond with human-like text and commentary.

Depending on the use case, a good initial prompt can help to instruct the chat model to respond in the desired way:

let initial_prompt =<< trim END
>>> system

You are going to play a role of a completion engine with following parameters:
Task: Provide compact code/text completion, generation, transformation or explanation
Topic: general programming and text editing
Style: Plain result without any commentary, unless commentary is necessary
Audience: Users of text editor and programmers that need to transform/generate text

let chat_engine_config = {
\  "engine": "chat",
\  "options": {
\    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
\    "max_tokens": 1000,
\    "temperature": 0.1,
\    "request_timeout": 20,
\    "selection_boundary": "",
\    "initial_prompt": initial_prompt,
\  },

let g:vim_ai_complete = chat_engine_config
let g:vim_ai_edit = chat_engine_config

Custom commands

You might find useful a collection of custom commands on the Community Wiki.

To create a custom command, you can call AIRun, AIEditRun and AIChatRun functions. For example:

" custom command suggesting git commit message, takes no arguments
function! GitCommitMessageFn()
  let l:diff = system('git --no-pager diff --staged')
  let l:prompt = "generate a short commit message from the diff below:\n" . l:diff
  let l:range = 0
  let l:config = {
  \  "engine": "chat",
  \  "options": {
  \    "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  \    "initial_prompt": ">>> system\nyou are a code assistant",
  \    "temperature": 1,
  \  },
  call vim_ai#AIRun(l:range, l:config, l:prompt)
command! GitCommitMessage call GitCommitMessageFn()

" custom command that provides a code review for selected code block
function! CodeReviewFn(range) range
  let l:prompt = "programming syntax is " . &filetype . ", review the code below"
  let l:config = {
  \  "options": {
  \    "initial_prompt": ">>> system\nyou are a clean code expert",
  \  },
  '<,'>call vim_ai#AIChatRun(a:range, l:config, l:prompt)
command! -range CodeReview <line1>,<line2>call CodeReviewFn(<range>)


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open a pull request, report an issue, or contribute to the Community Wiki.

Important Disclaimer

Accuracy: GPT is good at producing text and code that looks correct at first glance, but may be completely wrong. Be sure to thoroughly review, read and test all output generated by this plugin!

Privacy: This plugin sends text to OpenAI when generating completions and edits. Therefore, do not use it on files containing sensitive information.


MIT License


AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim.







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  • Vim Script 58.0%
  • Python 41.3%
  • Shell 0.7%