HabitTracker is a website developed using Django, Psql HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It allows users to add habits they wish to modify/remove from their lives and keep track of their progress through a calendar with a graphical interface.
Full CRUD: User is able to create, read, update, and delete habits
Auth is fully functional, users are able to sign up and login with their accounts to keep track of their personalized habits
User is able to see how many their highest consecutive days of completing habits
User is able to see how often they compelte each habit
Option 1:
Download zip from this repository
OR Clone Repo: https://github.com/ajay-k/HabitTracker
Go to cloned repo on your local machine and run npm install
Then, run python3 manage.py runserver
and using Firefox or Google Chrome visit http://localhost:8000/
Option 2:
HabitTracker Deployed on Heroku
- Django
- Psql
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
I wanted to develop this project so I would have the ability to keep track of habits I'm trying to develop or get rid of bad habits while having a visual sense of how I'm progressing so far. I was able to hone my front-end skills as well as my back-end Psql database.
When resizing the browser window the calendar is stacked on top of the habits, this is due to my choice of using the absolute positioning for my calendar.
Only able to see highest streak for current month