Website for
- uses gatsby to build the required elements.
- All data is in markdown (need to work out how to make that work)
- Need to build react and all of the components
- Ideally keep things broadly in SASS as much as possible and link into react
- Deploy to S3 appropriately
- Update to more modern approach to CSS at a later point
- Deploy using Github actions
- Utilise Terraform to build out the infra (including SSL etc)
Uses metalsmith to produce the required elements.
git clone
Repo layout
- infra
- site
- utils
- Makefile
Make commands
To run the processor which will look at general files such as sass, md etc
node index.js
To process all the images to the right sizes, use:
node images.js
Metalsmith uses generators so either use harmony or just flip to 5.3.0
Used this to convert the output XML from WP to markdown.
Did this within a virtualenv and in a temp directory.
Changed line 240
Just to make it explicitly work with .md which is a bit nicer to look at.
picked up the build/_posts
files and put them in the repo.
Imagemagick - install using brew install imagemagick
metalsmith-convert uses a bad version of imagemagick-native. Do this:
git clone [email protected]:tomterl/metalsmith-convert.git
npm remove --save imagemagick-native
npm install -- save elad/node-imagemagick-native.git#travis-4.1
cd ~/dev/
npm install ~/tmp/metalsmith-convert
- listimage: url to use for the listing pages and anywhere else it may be displayed
- listimage-position: % % vals to push image around to align it properly with
- collection: featured - to appear in featured collection list
- featureimage: url for the header feature image if applicable
- imageby: person attribution for the image
- imagelink: attribution link for the image
- featured: (true) if you want it to appear in feature list
- excerpt: use with MD multiline
to create an excerpt or it will be pulled from first proper para