A minimal C++ autograd engine implementation for scalars. Inspired by micrograd. Also implemented small neural network on top of the engine.
Here is the example of engine usage:
#include "engine.hpp"
using scal = typename red_engine::scalar<double>;
int main() {
auto a = scal::create(2.0);
auto b = scal::create(3.0);
auto c = scal::create(4.0);
auto d = c - b;
auto r = red_engine::exponentiate((a + b) * c + d);
Example of the neural network usage:
#include "engine.hpp"
#include "nn.hpp"
using scal = typename red_engine::scalar<double>;
int main() {
std::vector<scal::pointer> x{scal::create(1.0), scal::create(-2.0)};
auto n = nn::MLP<double>{2, {2, 1}};
auto tmp = n(x);
auto r = std::get<1>(tmp);
The graph of the neural network example is here. You can also try to run the example yourself.
git clone [email protected]:ajlekcahdp4/scalgrad.git
cd scalargrad
cmake -S . -B build -DNOGTEST=False
make -C build -j8 install
# to run unit tests:
cd build
# to run the example
cd example